DevForce Help Reference
LoggingElement Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by LoggingElement.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorLoggingElement Constructor Creates an instance of this class - ensures all required properties are created. Internal use only.  
Public Fields
Public FieldDefaultLogFileNameDefault log file name. See IdeaBlade.Core.IdeaBladeConfig.CreateDefaultInstance.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAcceptFilters Namespaces for which logging should be enabled.  
Public PropertyArchiveLogs Gets or sets whether to archive old log files.  
Public PropertyFullyQualifiedLogFile Gets the fully-qualified name of the log file.  
Public PropertyIsNullInstance Is this a 'null' logging element?  
Public PropertyLogFile Gets or sets the path and file name where the log file should be written.  
Public PropertyPort Gets or sets the port for the Trace Publisher Service - will default to '9922' if not specified.  
Public PropertyRejectFilters Namespaces for which logging should be turned off.  
Public PropertyServiceName Gets or sets the name for the Trace Publisher Service - will default to 'TracePublisher' if not specified.  
Public PropertyShouldLogSqlQueries Gets or sets whether to log the SQL from Entity Framework queries to the log file.  
Public PropertyUsesSeparateAppDomain Gets or sets whether to use a separate AppDomain for trace file logging purposes - defaults to false.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsSee System.Object.Equals(System.Object)  
Public MethodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.  
Public MethodGetType (Inherited from object)
Public MethodShouldSerializeAcceptFilters  
Public MethodShouldSerializeRejectFilters  
Public MethodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from object)
See Also


LoggingElement Class
IdeaBlade.Core.Configuration Namespace

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