DevForce Help Reference
IdeaBlade.Core Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAfterGetAttribute Marks an action to be performed in a property getter after the value is retrieved from the backing store.
ClassAfterSetAttribute Marks an action to be performed in a property setter after the value is written to the backing store.
ClassAppEnv Provides information on the current environment.
ClassAssertionException Any Debug.Assert or Trace.Assert errors encountered will raise this exception type
ClassBeforeGetAttribute Marks an action to be performed in a property getter before the value is retrieved from the backing store.
ClassBeforeSetAttribute Marks an action to be performed in a property setter before the value is written to the backing store.
ClassBitList Replacement for BitArray which in not available in SilverLight.
ClassBooleanUsingBlock A UsingBlock for boolean values.
ClassClientApplicationTypeExtensions Static extension methods for the ClientApplicationType enumeration.
ClassCodingFns Helper class containing encoding / decoding and bitstream functions.
ClassConsoleLogger Logger which writes trace messages to the Console.
ClassCryptoFns Static class that provides utility functions having to do with cryptography.
ClassDebugFns A collection of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods used to provide code assertions, tracing and logging functionality for debug builds of DevForce applications.
ClassDynamicComparer<T,TResult> Dynamic implementation of an IEqualityComparer.
ClassDynamicTypeConverter Converts anonymously-typed objects to dynamicly-typed objects for binding in Silverlight applications.
ClassEnumerableFns Provides a set of static methods for querying objects that implement IEnumerable.
ClassFileFns A collection of static utility methods all involved with the manipulation of files.
ClassFixedRetry Represents a retry policy that performs a specified number of retries, using a specified fixed time interval between retries.
ClassIdeaBladeConfig Used to manage configuration properties within a DevForce application.
ClassIdeaBladeException Base class for exception types within the IdeaBlade DevForce framework.
ClassIdeaBladeGuidAttribute An System.Attribute used by DevForce to mark your domain model assemblies with license information.
ClassIdeaBladeLicenseAttribute An System.Attribute used by DevForce to mark your domain model assemblies with license information.
ClassIdeaBladeLicenseException Exception used for violation of product license.
ClassMemberMetadata Metadata information about a Type member.
ClassMemberMetadataMap Singleton class that provides metadata about any .NET member.
ClassMemoFns A collection of static utility methods relating to memoization.
ClassNamespaceFilter Used in trace message logging to determine whether calls from a namespace should be traced.
ClassNoRetry Represents a retry policy that performs no retries.
ClassNullLogger Logger which writes trace messages using System.Diagnostics.Trace or Debug.
ClassPropertyComparer An implementation of the System.Collections.IComparer interface that operates using System.Reflection.PropertyInfo and System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor instances. This functionally allows IComparers to be dynamically constructed for any property of an object.
ClassPropertyInterceptor Used to add custom actions to property getters and setters.
ClassPropertyInterceptor<TInstance,TValue,TArgs> Used to add custom actions to property getters and setters.
ClassPropertyInterceptorAction Defines an action to be performed in a PropertyInterceptor.
ClassPropertyInterceptorAction<TArgs> Defines an action to be performed in a PropertyInterceptor.
ClassPropertyInterceptorArgs Base interface for arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction.
ClassPropertyInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TValue> Strongly-typed arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction.
ClassPropertyInterceptorAttribute Base class for all DevForce property interceptor attributes.
ClassPropertyInterceptorException Exception thrown for errors encountered when property interceptors are created or discovered.
ClassPropertyInterceptorManager Manages DevForce property interceptors.
ClassPropertyInterceptorModeExtensions Provides a set of static methods for working with the PropertyInterceptorMode.
ClassPropertyPath Utility class for converting strongly typed property paths into strings for use in databinding.
ClassStreamFns A static class of utility functions related to stream handling.
ClassStringFns A static class providing utility functions related to string handling.
ClassTraceFileXmlLogger Used internally by the DevForce framework to log tracing messages to a file.
ClassTraceFns A collection of static methods used to provide code assertions, tracing and logging functionality for release builds of DevForce applications.
ClassTraceMessage A message to be published by the TracePublisher.A message to be published by the TracePublisher.
ClassTracePublisher Publishes debugging and tracing messages generated by DevForce applications.
ClassTraceSubscriber Subscriber to the TracePublisher used by DevForce. Internal use only.
ClassTypeWrapper Wrapper used with the System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer to allow System.Type data members to be transmitted across tiers.
ClassUsingBlock For use with a using (Using in Visual Basic) statement to perform pre- and post- actions.
ClassWeakEventHandler<T,E> Event handler to be used in those cases where a publisher should not hold references to its subscribers, as implicitly occurs in the regular event model.
InterfaceIHasListManager Interface implemented by lists which can be managed by a IListManager.
InterfaceIListManager An implementor of the IListManager interface holds one IList (or many ILists collectively) under the control of a manager of some sort.
InterfaceIPredicateDescription Interface implemented by dynamically built predicates.
InterfaceIProjectionSelector Interface implemented by dynamic property selectors.
InterfaceIPropertyInterceptorArgs Interface implemented by property interceptor argument classes.
InterfaceIPropertyInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TValue> Generic interface for property interceptor arguments.
InterfaceIRetryPolicy Indicates a retry policy for possibly transient communication errors to the remote EntityServer.
InterfaceISortSelector Interface implemented by dyanmic sorting selectors.
InterfaceITraceLogger Interface describing simple logging capabilities.
InterfaceITraceLoggerProvider Implement the ILoggerProvider to provide custom logging in your application.
InterfaceITraceSubscriberCallback Interface that any subscriber to a TracePublisher must implement.
EnumerationCardinality The number of elements in a set or the relationship between two sets.
EnumerationClientApplicationType Indicates the type of client applications supported by the EntityServer.
EnumerationPropertyDirection Indicates whether a PropertyInterceptor is for a getter or setter.
EnumerationPropertyInterceptorMode When the PropertyInterceptorAction will be invoked.
EnumerationPropertyInterceptorTiming The timing of the PropertyInterceptorAction.
See Also


IdeaBlade.Core Assembly

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