DevForce Help Reference
EntityServerQueryInterceptor Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by EntityServerQueryInterceptor.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorEntityServerQueryInterceptor Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyResultsForcedTrue if ForceResult was called.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyContext Gets or sets a custom context object for this operation.  
Protected PropertyDefaultAuthorization Override this property to change the default entity-level authorization.  
Protected PropertyDefaultClientQueryPermissions Override this property to change the default query permissions.  
Protected PropertyEntityManagerReturns an EntityManager.  
Protected PropertyIsServerQuery Returns true if the query was issued on the server.  
Protected PropertyPrincipalThe System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal from the user session requesting this operation.  
Protected PropertyQueriedEntities Returns a list of the entities queried. This property is only available after the query has executed.  
Protected PropertyQuery The current query.  
Protected PropertyQueryFilters May be added to in order to restrict how a query is executed. These filters will be ignored on any queries that are not subclasses of EntityQuery.  
Protected PropertyShouldAuthorizeQueryResult Whether to perform authorization by entity type on the query result. Default is false.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from object)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from object)
Public MethodGetType (Inherited from object)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from object)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAuthorizeQuery Override this method to intercept the query to provide custom authorization.  
Protected MethodAuthorizeQueryResult Override to perform authorization on the results of the query.  
Protected MethodClientCanQuery May be overridden to control which types are allowed to be queried by the user.  
Protected MethodExecuteQuery May be overridden. Insure that base.ExecuteQuery is called to insure that the underlying query is executed.  
Protected MethodFilterQuery May be overridden to perform any logic before the query is executed. classes.  
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodForceResult BETA feature - may be called to force the results of the query. The shape of the result being foreced must match that of the result of the query being executed. This method can be called either before or after the execution of the query.  
Protected MethodGetClientQueryPermission Returns the permissions granted for this query and for this principal.  
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodOnError May be overridden to log errors;  
See Also


EntityServerQueryInterceptor Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server Namespace

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