DevForce Help Reference
ClientApplicationTypeExtensions Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ClientApplicationTypeExtensions.

Public Methods
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from object)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from object)
Public MethodGetType (Inherited from object)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SupportsSilverlight Returns whether Silverlight applications are supported.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SupportsStandard Returns whether standard WinClient and ASP.NET applications are supported.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SupportsWindowsPhone Returns whether Metro applications are supported.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SupportsWindowsStore Returns whether Metro applications are supported.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SupportsXamarinMobile Returns whether Xamarin applications are supported.  
Public MethodToString (Inherited from object)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from object)
See Also


ClientApplicationTypeExtensions Class
IdeaBlade.Core Namespace

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