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IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace (IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Compat)
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAsyncEventArgs Base class for arguments to the completed event handler for an asynchronous operation.
ClassAsyncEventArgs<TResult> AsyncEventArgs providing a strongly-typed Result for an asynchronous operation.
ClassBaseEntityQueriedEventArgs<T> Base class for generic and non-generic EntityQueriedEventArgs classes.
ClassBaseOperation<TEventArgs,TOp> Information about an asynchronous operation.
ClassBasicOperation Information about an asynchronous operation. Used for operations returning void (like Connect, Logout, ...)
ClassCoroutine Provides for serial and parallel execution of multiple asynchronous actions.
ClassCoroutineCompletedEventArgs Arguments to a Coroutine completion handler.
ClassCoroutineOperation Returned by a Coroutine.Start or Coroutine.StartParallel call.
ClassEntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs Arguments to both the callback specified for an ExecuteQueryAsync(IEntityQuery) call and to an Queried event handler.
ClassEntityQueriedAsyncEventArgs<T> Arguments to the completion handler specified for an ExecuteQueryAsync<T>(IEntityQuery<T>) call and to an Queried event handler.
ClassEntityQueryOperation Information about an asynchronous query operation.
ClassEntityQueryOperation<T> Information about an asynchronous query operation.
ClassEntityRefetchedEventArgs Arguments to the completion handler specified for an RefetchEntitiesAsync(EntityKeyList,MergeStrategy,CancellationToken) call.
ClassEntityRefetchOperation Information about an asynchronous refetch operation.
ClassEntitySavedAsyncEventArgs Arguments to the completion handler specified for an EntityManager.SaveChangesAsync call when using the backwards compatibility API.
ClassEntitySaveOperation Information about an asynchronous save operation.
ClassEntityScalarQueriedEventArgs Arguments to the completion handler specified for a scalar query executed asynchronously.
ClassEntityScalarQueriedEventArgs<T> Arguments to the completion handler specified for a scalar query executed asynchronously.
ClassEntityScalarQueryOperation Information about an asynchronous scalar query operation.
ClassEntityScalarQueryOperation<T> Information about an asynchronous scalar query operation.
ClassInvokeServerMethodEventArgs Arguments to a InvokeServerMethodOperation.Completed" event handler.
ClassInvokeServerMethodOperation Information about an asynchronous InvokeServerMethod operation.
ClassLoginEventArgs Arguments to a LoginOperation.Completed event handler.
ClassLoginOperation Information about an asynchronous login operation.
InterfaceIBaseOperation For internal use only.
InterfaceINotifyCompleted Interface implemented by asynchronous actions within a Coroutine iterator.
InterfaceINotifyCompletedArgs Arguments to a completion action.
See Also


IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Compat Assembly

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