DevForce Help Reference
Queried Event

Occurs after the EntityManager has completed processing of a query.
Public Event Queried As EventHandler(Of EntityQueriedEventArgs)
Dim instance As EntityManager
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of EntityQueriedEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.Queried, handler
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type EntityQueriedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following EntityQueriedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Cancelled Returns whether the operation was cancelled. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
ChangedEntities The list of every entity that was either added or modified in the EntityManager's cache as a result of this query.  
CompletedSuccessfully Returns whether the operation completed successfully. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
CompletedSynchronously Returns whether the operation was completed synchronously. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Error The exception, if any, thrown by the underlying operation. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
HasError Returns whether the operation failed. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
IsCompleted Returns whether the operation completed. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
IsErrorHandled Whether the Error was handled ( if one exists). (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Query The query executed.  
QueryResultThe QueryResult of ExecuteQueryForResult or ExecuteQueryForResultAsync call.  
ResolvedFetchStrategyThe actual FetchStrategy used.  
Results The list of entities fetched.  
WasFetched True if the data was fetched from the EntityServer.  
The EntityQueriedEventArgs.Results list might be empty if the query was satisfied from cache only. If a span query was used, multiple entity types may be found in the list.
public void EntityManager_EventSample() {

  var mgr = new DomainModelEntityManager();
  // Setup some handlers.
  mgr.Querying += QueryingHandler;
  mgr.Fetching += FetchingHandler;
  mgr.Queried += QueriedHandler;
  mgr.Saving += SavingHandler;
  mgr.Saved += SavedHandler;

  // Now try some fetches and saves.

  var orders = mgr.OrderSummaries
    .Where(o => o.Customer.Id == 1)
  DebugFns.WriteLine("Order count = " + orders.Count.ToString());

  // Change the first order and its details.
  OrderSummary anOrder = orders[0];
  anOrder.Freight = 200;
  foreach (OrderDetail dtl in anOrder.OrderDetails) {
    dtl.Discount = .05F;

void QueryingHandler(object sender, EntityQueryingEventArgs e) {
  DebugFns.WriteLine("Querying " + e.Query.ToString());

void FetchingHandler(object sender, EntityFetchingEventArgs e) {
  DebugFns.WriteLine("Fetching " + e.Query.ToString());

void QueriedHandler(object sender, EntityQueriedEventArgs e) {
  DebugFns.WriteLine("Queried " + e.Query.ToString());
  foreach (Entity anEntity in e.Results) {
    DebugFns.WriteLine("Queried - " + anEntity.EntityKey.ToString());

void SavingHandler(object sender, EntitySavingEventArgs e) {
  foreach (Entity anEntity in e.Entities) {
    DebugFns.WriteLine("Saving - " + anEntity.EntityKey.ToString() + " - " + anEntity.EntityState.ToString());
void SavedHandler(object sender, EntitySavedEventArgs e) {
  foreach (Entity anEntity in e.Entities) {
    DebugFns.WriteLine("Saved - " + anEntity.EntityKey.ToString());

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


EntityManager Class
EntityManager Members

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