DevForce Help Reference
EntityAspect Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityAspect members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAcceptChanges Accepts all changes to this Entity, returning the EntityState to Unchanged.  
Public MethodAddToManagerOverloaded. Adds a newly created entity to its associated EntityManager.  
Public MethodCloneCore For internal use only. Makes a copy of the entity; it does not copy related entities.  
Public MethodCompareToBase implementation of System.IComparable.CompareTo(System.Object).  
Public MethodDeleteMarks this Entity for deletion; the EntityState becomes "Deleted".  
Public MethodEqualsSystem.Object.Equals(System.Object).  
Public MethodFindRelatedEntities Finds any cached entities related to this entity by the specified link.  
Public MethodForcePropertyChanged Forces a PropertyChanged event to be fired.  
Public MethodGetDataProperty Returns the DataEntityProperty corresponding to the specified property name.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.  
Public MethodGetNavigationProperty Returns the NavigationEntityProperty corresponding to the specified property name.  
Public MethodGetProperty Returns the EntityProperty corresponding to the specified property name.  
Public MethodGetRelatedEntitiesOverloaded. Returns all related entities via the specified EntityRelationLink.  
Public MethodGetRelatedEntityOverloaded. Returns the related entity via a EntityRelationLink.  
Public MethodGetType (Inherited from object)
Public MethodGetValueOverloaded.  Retrieves the value of the specified property on the associated Entity.  
Public MethodGetValueRaw Low-level access to get a property value without going through the standard property 'get' accessor.  
Public MethodHasChanges Determines whether this entity has any pending changes.  
Public MethodOnEntityAspectPropertyChanged Fires PropertyChanged on EntityAspect.  
Public MethodOnEntityPropertyChanged Fires PropertyChanged on the Entity associated with this EntityAspect without invoking any IPropertyChangedInterceptor. Normally the FirePropertyChanged method should be used in place of this.  
Public MethodRejectChangesRejects (rolls back) all changes to this Entity since it was queried or had AcceptChanges called on it.  
Public MethodRemoveFromManagerOverloaded.  Removes the entity from the EntityManager cache.  
Public MethodSetAddedForces this entity into the EntityState of Added.  
Public MethodSetModifiedForces this entity into the EntityState of Modified.  
Public MethodSetValueOverloaded.  Sets the value of the specified property on the associated Entity.  
Public MethodSetValueRaw  
Public MethodToString (Inherited from object)
Public MethodValidatePropertyAfterSet  
Public MethodValidatePropertyBeforeSet  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ViolationCheckSee IdeaBlade.Core.TraceFns.Assert  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Wrap Wrap an object to provide entity-related services.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)WrapAllWrap all objects in the collection provided.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAreEqual  
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodReplaceAllCore For internal use only.  
Protected MethodReplaceCurrentOnLoadCore For internal use only.  
Protected MethodReplaceOriginalCore For internal use only.  
Protected MethodRestoreBackupVersion  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEntityGroupThe IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup that this Entity belongs to.
Public Extension MethodGetEntityKeyThe IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityKey for this entity.
Public Extension MethodGetEntityManagerThe IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager that manages this entity.
Public Extension MethodGetEntityMetadataThe IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityMetadata for this Entity.
Public Extension MethodGetEntitySetName The name of the Entity Framework EntitySet containing this entity.
Public Extension MethodGetEntityStateThe IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityState of this entity.
Public Extension MethodGetRelatedEntitiesOverloaded. Returns all related entities via the specified IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityRelationLink.
Public Extension MethodGetRelatedEntityOverloaded. Returns the related entity via a IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityRelationLink.
Public Extension MethodIsNullEntity Returns whether the current instance is a null entity.
Public Extension MethodIsNullOrPendingEntity Returns whether the current instance is a null entity or a pending entity.
Public Extension MethodIsPendingEntity Returns whether the current instance is a pending entity.
Public Extension MethodRemoveFromManagerOverloaded.  Removes the entity from the EntityManager cache.
See Also


EntityAspect Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace
EntityManager Class
EntityQuery Class
IEntity Interface

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