DevForce Help Reference
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace (IdeaBlade.EntityModel)
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAllowRpcAttribute Defines an attribute that marks a server method as being callable from a client.
ClassCacheQueryOptions Options that allow queries that will be run against cache to share the same semantics as the corresponding query against the Entity Framework and the backend database. Linq To Objects (CLR) and Linq To Entities do not share the same semantics. This class allows IdeaBlade Entity queries against the Entity cache (Linq to Objects queries) to be interpreted like they will be against the Entity Framework.
ClassCacheStateManager Used to store and retrieve the EntityManager's cache from a stream or file.
ClassClientCanQueryAttribute Can be used to indicate the authorized access to query operations on an entity type.
ClassClientCanSaveAttribute Can be used to indicate the authorized access to save operations on an entity type.
ClassClientEdmKey Represents the connection information to a database.
ClassClientQueryPermissionsAttribute Can be used to indicate the authorized access to query operations on an entity type.
ClassCloningFns Cloning helper methods.
ClassCompletedEventArgs Provides data for a completed event.
ClassComplexAspect Provides entity services to a ComplexObject.
ClassComplexObject Abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for any complex type properties used in entities within DevForce.
ClassComplexObject.EntityPropertyNames Base for all EntityPropertyNames.
ClassCompostionContextExtensions Extensions for use with the IdeaBlade.Core.Composition.CompositionContext.
ClassConcurrencyStrategyAttribute Attribute applied to a concurrency property to indicate the ConcurrencyStrategy in effect.
ClassConnectionStateChangedEventArgs Arguments to the EntityManager.ConnectionStateChanged event.
ClassDataEntityProperty Representation of a simple property within an IEntity.
ClassDataEntityProperty<TInstance,TValue> Strongly-typed DataEntityProperty.
ClassDataEntityPropertyGetInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TResult> Strongly-typed arguments to a BeforeGet or AfterGet action on a DataEntityProperty.
ClassDataEntityPropertyInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TValue> Strongly-typed arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction on a DataEntityProperty.
ClassDataEntityPropertySetInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TResult> Strongly-typed arguments to a BeforeSet or AfterSet action on a DataEntityProperty.
ClassDataSourceKeyNameAttribute Defines an attribute that associates an Entity subclass with a DataSourceKeyName.
ClassDefaultConcurrencyValueSetter Default implementation of the IConcurrencyStrategy interface.
ClassDefaultDataSourceKeyResolver Default implementation of the IDataSourceKeyResolver interface.
ClassDefaultEntitySetNameAttribute Defines an attribute that associates an Entity subclass with a default EntitySet name.
ClassDiscoverableTypeAttribute Defines an attribute that marks a class as being discoverable by the DevForce framework.
ClassEntity Abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for all persistable business objects used within DevForce.
ClassEntity.EntityPropertyNames The names of entity properties.
ClassEntityAspect Provides entity services for all persistable business objects used within DevForce.
ClassEntityAspect.EntityPropertyNames Base for all EntityPropertyNames.
ClassEntityAspect.VerifierErrorsCollection A collection of errant IdeaBlade.Validation.VerifierResults.
ClassEntityCacheState A serializable collection of Entities that can be retrieved from an EntityManager.
ClassEntityChangeCancelEventArgs Base class for all Entity/EntityProperty Changing EventArgs.
ClassEntityChangedEventArgs Provides information to the EntityGroup.EntityChanged event.
ClassEntityChangeEventArgs Base class for all Entity/EntityProperty Changing/Changed event args.
ClassEntityChangingEventArgs Provides information to the EntityGroup.EntityChanging event.
ClassEntityFetchingEventArgs Arguments to the EntityManager.Fetching event.
ClassEntityGroup Abstract base class for the EntityGroup<TEntity> class.
ClassEntityGroup<TEntity> Base class for all entity containers holding cached entities.
ClassEntityKey Represents the primary key for an IEntity.
ClassEntityKeyList A strongly-typed collection of EntityKeys.
ClassEntityKeyQuery An implementation of IEntityQuery that is used to retrieve entities based on their EntityKey's.
ClassEntityListManager<T> Manages any list of Entities to ensure the list stays current with specified filtering criteria.
ClassEntityManager Management class for all high-level retrieval, caching and persistence operations on entities.
ClassEntityManagerClearedEventArgs Event data applicable provided after a EntityManager.Clear() operation.
ClassEntityManagerContext Allow the construction parameters of an EntityManager to be created independently of the EntityManager.
ClassEntityManagerCreatedEventArgs Arguments to the EntityManager.EntityManagerCreated event.
ClassEntityManagerOptions Options which control various aspects of an EntityManager's behavior.
ClassEntityManagerSaveException Exception thrown for failures during EntityManager.SaveChanges processing.
ClassEntityMemberMetadata Metadata information about a Type member.
ClassEntityMetadata Metadata regarding an IEntity, a ComplexObject or a POCO type.
ClassEntityMetadataStore Thread-safe repository of information on the metadata associated with all of the types in a domain model.
ClassEntityProperty Representation of a single property within an IEntity.
ClassEntityPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides information to the EntityGroup.EntityPropertyChanged event.
ClassEntityPropertyChangingEventArgs Provides information to the EntityGroup.EntityPropertyChanging event.
ClassEntityQueriedEventArgs Arguments to an EntityManager.Queried event handler.
ClassEntityQuery Abstract base class for the EntityQuery<T> class.
ClassEntityQuery<T> Represents a Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) against either the backend data source or the EntityManager cache.
ClassEntityQueryExtensions Provides a set of static methods extending EntityQuery and EntityQuery<T>.
ClassEntityQueryFilterCollection An independent collection of query filters.
ClassEntityQueryingEventArgs Arguments to the EntityManager.Querying event.
ClassEntityQueryPageChangedEventArgs<T> Arguments to the EntityQueryPager<T>.PageChanged event.
ClassEntityQueryPageChangingEventArgs Arguments to the EntityQueryPager<T>.PageChanging event.
ClassEntityQueryPageFetchingEventArgs<T> Arguments to the EntityQueryPager<T>.PageFetching event.
ClassEntityQueryPager A pager which allows EntityQuery<T> results to be paged either synchronously or asynchronously.
ClassEntityQueryPager<T> A pager which allows EntityQuery<T> results to be paged either synchronously or asynchronously.
ClassEntityQueryParameter Represents a query parameter that is passed to an EntityQuery.
ClassEntityReferenceStrategy Determines when related entities are loaded and how they are merged into the EntityManager's cache.
ClassEntityRelation Represents a relationship between two IEntity subtypes.
ClassEntityRelationLink A composite of an EntityRelation and a QueryDirection forming an unambiguous relationship between IEntity types.
ClassEntityRelationQuery An implementation of IEntityQuery that may be used to query any entities via their EntityRelations with other entities.
ClassEntityRelationRole Represents one end of an EntityRelation.
ClassEntitySavedEventArgs Arguments to an EntityManager.Saved event handler.
ClassEntitySavingEventArgs Arguments to the EntityManager.Saving event.
ClassEntityScalarAsyncExtensions Provides a set of static methods providing for asynchronous execution of scalar queries.
ClassEntityServerConnectionException Exception thrown for connection-related failures.
ClassEntityServerErrorEventArgs Arguments to a EntityManager.EntityServerError event.
ClassEntityServerException Exception thrown by the EntityServer for persistence failures.
ClassEntityServerFakeBackingStore A fake which can be used to provide a non-database backing store during testing.
ClassEntityServerFakeBackingStore.Local A fake backing store used with a local EntityServer in 2-tier mode.
ClassEntityServerFakeBackingStore.Remote A fake backing store used with a remote EntityServer in n-tier mode.
ClassEntityServerFault Defines a FaultContract for EntityServer operations.
ClassEntityServiceApplication Provides a means of handling application-level events on the Business Object Server.
ClassEntitySpan A chained collection of EntityRelationLinks used by EntityManager.FindEntityGraph.
ClassEntityStateFns Provides a set of static methods extending an IEntity to provide information about the EntityState.
ClassFakeIdGenerator Acts as both IIdGenerator and IIdentityGenerator implementation.
ClassInvokeServerMethodArgs Arguments to EntityManager.InvokeServerMethod.
ClassKnownTypeHelper Internal use only.
ClassLoginCredential A credential for password-based authentication schemes.
ClassLoginException Exception that should be thrown within the implementation of an IEntityLoginManager whenever a login attempt fails.
ClassNavigationEntityProperty Representation of a relational property within an IEntity.
ClassNavigationEntityPropertyGetInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TResult> Strongly-typed arguments to a BeforeGet or AfterGet action on a NavigationEntityProperty.
ClassNavigationEntityPropertyInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TValue> Strongly-typed arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction on a NavigationEntityProperty.
ClassNavigationEntityPropertySetInterceptorArgs<TInstance,TResult> Strongly-typed arguments to a BeforeSet or AfterSet action on a NavigationEntityProperty.
ClassNavigationListEntityProperty<TInstance,TValue> A relational entity property for a list data type.
ClassNavigationScalarEntityProperty<TInstance,TValue> A relational entity property for a scalar data type.
ClassOperationAuthorizationAttribute Base class defining authorization information for an operation.
ClassParameterizedEsql Represents an Entity SQL statement with parameters.
ClassPassthruEsqlQuery Used to execute an Entity SQL statement within the DevForce framework.
ClassPendingEntityListResolvedEventArgs<T> Arguments to a RelatedEntityList<T>.PendingEntityListResolved event.
ClassPendingEntityResolvedEventArgs Arguments to a EntityAspect.PendingEntityResolved event.
ClassPersistenceSecurityException Exception indicating a security failure during a persistence operation.
ClassQueryCache A list of queries that can be satisfied without having to go out to an external data source.
ClassQueryInversionServerException Exception thrown for failures during QueryInversion processing on the server.
ClassQueryParameter Represents a parameter to a PassthruEsqlQuery or StoredProcQuery.
ClassQueryResult Returned from a TryExecuteQuery or TryExecuteQueryAsync call.
ClassQueryResult<T> Returned from a TryExecuteQuery{T} or TryExecuteQueryAsync{T} call.
ClassQueryScalarResult Internal use only. Returned from asynchronous scalar queries.
ClassQueryScalarResult<T> Internal use only. Returned from asynchronous scalar queries.
ClassQueryStrategy Determines the FetchStrategy, MergeStrategy, QueryInversionMode TransactionSettings and CacheQueryOptionsto use when retrieving entities.
ClassRelatedEntityList<T> A live collection of entities tied to an EntityReference.
ClassRestoreStrategy Determines the options to use when restoring an EntityCacheState.
ClassSaveOptions Options that can be used to control EntityManager.SaveChanges processing.
ClassSaveResult The result of a EntityManager.TrySaveChanges call.
ClassSaveStatusExtensions Static methods extending SaveStatus.
ClassScalarEntityReference<T> Implementation of IEntityReference for all scalar references. Internal use only.
ClassSerializationCloner Performs a deep clone using the DataContractSerializer.
ClassSerializationContext For internal use only.
ClassSerializationFns Static methods to assist in serializing and deserializing objects and object graphs.
ClassServiceProxyEvents Provides a means of customizing a WCF proxy used to communicate with the BOS.
ClassServiceStartupEventArgs Arguments passed to the OnServiceStartup method in the EntityServiceApplication.
ClassSqlServerGuidComparer A comparer that emulates SQL Server's comparison semantics for Guids.
ClassStoredProcQuery Not supported in DevForce 2010 RC1.
ClassStoreGeneratedIdGenerator IIdGenerator providing intrinsic framework support for store-generated IDs.
ClassTransactionSettings Options used to control transactional behavior in query and save processing.
ClassUniqueId Represents the combination of a specific EntityProperty and value.
ClassUniqueIdCollection Represents a collection of UniqueId objects.
ClassUniqueIdMap A strongly typed dictionary mapping UniqueId keys containing temporary identifiers to values for the permanent identifiers.
ClassUserBase The default System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal implementation within DevForce.
ClassUserIdentity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity implementation used with UserBase.
InterfaceIComplexObject Interface implemented by a ComplexObject.
InterfaceIComplexObjectSvcs Interface implemented by a ComplexObject.
InterfaceIConcurrencyStrategy Interface to be implemented when a concurrency strategy of ServerCallback is specified for a property of an entity.
InterfaceIDataEntityPropertyInterceptorArgs Interface for arguments to a IdeaBlade.Core.PropertyInterceptorAction on a DataEntityProperty.
InterfaceIDataSourceKey Interface implemented by all data source key types.
InterfaceIDataSourceKeyResolver Interface used to resolve the data source key which will be used to connect to a data source.
InterfaceIEditableObjectInterceptor Interface which allows an entity to intercept edit actions.
InterfaceIEntity Marker interface for an EF enabled entity. may be CodeFirst, ModelFirst or DatabaseFirst.
InterfaceIEntityLoginManager Interface for server-side user authentication.
InterfaceIEntityPropertyGetInterceptorArgs Interface for arguments to a BeforeGet or AfterGet action on an EntityProperty.
InterfaceIEntityPropertyInterceptorArgs Base interface for arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction on an EntityProperty.
InterfaceIEntityPropertySetInterceptorArgs Interface for arguments to a BeforeSet or AfterSet action on an EntityProperty.
InterfaceIEntityQuery Standard interface used to express all business object queries. Knowledge of this interface is only needed if you are extending the existing query mechanisms.
InterfaceIEntityQuery<T> Interface implemented by EntityQuery<T>.
InterfaceIEntityRelations Marker interface to use is discovering where EntityRelations are defined.
InterfaceIEntityScalarQuery Base interface representing an untyped scalar query which can be executed asynchronously.
InterfaceIEntityScalarQuery<T> Interface representing a typed scalar query which can be executed asynchronously.
InterfaceIEntityServerFakeBackingStore Interface implemented by fake backing stores.
InterfaceIEntitySvcs Interface providing entity services to an entity.
InterfaceIHasPocoEntityAspect Implement for any POCO type which will be managed by an EntityManager.
InterfaceIIdentityIdGenerator Interface for generation of unique IDs for new IEntity objects having Identity properties.
InterfaceIIdGenerator Interface for generation of unique IDs for new IEntity objects.
InterfaceIKnownType Marker interface for specification of known types.
InterfaceIKnownTypeProvider Interface which allows for programmatic specification of known types.
InterfaceILoginCredential Provides a credential interface for password-based authentication schemes.
InterfaceINavigationEntityPropertyInterceptorArgs Interface for arguments to a PropertyInterceptorAction on a NavigationEntityProperty.
InterfaceIPropertyChangedInterceptor Interface which allows an entity to receive property changed notifications.
InterfaceIPropertyValidationInterceptor Interface which allows an entity to intercept property validation.
InterfaceIQueryResult Result of a query operation.
InterfaceISupportsQueryCache To be implemented when an IEntityQuery can support use of the QueryCache.
InterfaceITypedEntityQuery Marker interface implemented by any IEntityQuery that is generic and composable.
InterfaceIUntypedEntityQuery Interface implemented by any IEntityQuery that is not generic.
InterfaceIUpdateNullEntity Interface which allows a null entity to be customized.
DelegateServerMethodDelegate Defines a delegate that a client uses to call a method on the server. EntityManager.InvokeServerMethod
EnumerationAuthorizeRolesMode Defines how authorization roles are processed.
EnumerationClientQueryPermissions Enumerates query permissions.
EnumerationCloningMethod Determines how a deep clone is performed.
EnumerationConcurrencyStrategy The strategy to use when working with a 'concurrency' EntityProperty.
EnumerationDiscoverableTypeMode Used with the DiscoverableTypeAttribute to indicate how the type is used.
EnumerationEntityAction Describes an action performed on an Entity.
EnumerationEntityReferenceLoadStrategy A strategy that controls when and whether to go to the backend data store to retrieve related entities.
EnumerationEntityRelationRefConstraint The referential integrity constraint for a role.
EnumerationEntityServiceOption The EntityServiceOption is used to determine whether an EntityManager should connect to a local or distributed Entity Service.
EnumerationEntityState The state of an IEntity.
EnumerationEntityVersion Describes the version of an Entity.
EnumerationFetchStrategy An enum used when retrieving entities to determine where to look and in what order.
EnumerationFixupTempIds SaveOptions setting determining whether to fixup all generated temporary Ids or only those Ids corresponding to entities passed into the SaveChanges method.
EnumerationGuidOrdering Different semantics for ordering Guids.
EnumerationLoginExceptionType Enumeration of standard Login failures.
EnumerationMergeStrategy Strategy to control how Entities are merged into an EntityManager's cache.
EnumerationMultiplicity An enum used when retrieving entities to determine where to look and in what order.
EnumerationOnDeleteMode Action taken on related objects when an entity is deleted.
EnumerationPersistenceFailure Indicates the general failure type of an EntityServerException.
EnumerationPersistenceOperation Indicates the persistence operation requested when an EntityServerException occurs.
EnumerationPocoSaveMode Determines how to discover any custom server side POCO save methods.
EnumerationQueryDirection Used to indicate the direction of an EntityRelationRole.
EnumerationQueryInversionMode Determines whether or not to attempt query inversion.
EnumerationSaveStatus Returns the kind of operation performed during a EntityManager.SaveChanges call.
EnumerationSerializationContextMode This enum is used to control the mechanism that DevForce uses to serialize entity graphs via the SerializationContext.ThreadLocalMode and the SerializationContext.DefaultMode properties.
EnumerationSerializationState Enumerates the state and reason for entity serialization or deserialization.
See Also


IdeaBlade.EntityModel Assembly

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