DevForce Help Reference
EntityGroup<TEntity> Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityGroup<TEntity> members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyChangeNotificationEnabled Used to suppress change events during the modification of entities within this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyChangeTrackingEnabled Used to enable or disable change tracking. Change tracking is required for both Saving entities as well as to support the IEditableObject interface. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyComplexTypeProperties The collection of 'ComplexType' EntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyConcurrencyProperties The collection of 'Concurrency' EntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyCurrentEntities Returns the currently live (i.e not deleted or detached) entities for the given entity type and its subtypes.  
Public PropertyDataProperties The collection of DataEntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyDataSourceKeyNameReturns the name of the edmKey or wsKey defined in the IdeaBlade configuration file for entities in this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyDefaultEntitySetName The default name of the entity set to use when creating new entities when a name is not provided. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyEntities Returns a collection of entities of given entity type and sub-types.  
Public PropertyEntityManagerThe EntityManager which manages this EntityGroup. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyEntityType The type of Entity contained within this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyForeignKeyProperties The collection of 'Foreign' EntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyIsNullGroup Whether or not this is the 'null group. The 'null' group contains no entities and is automatically provided to detached entities. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyKeyProperties The collection of 'Key' EntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyName The name of this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyNavigationProperties The collection of NavigationEntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyProperties The collection of EntityProperties for entities of the type held by this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyPropertyInterceptionEnabled Used to enable or disable property interception for entities within this group; (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyQueryableType The type being queried. (same as EntityType for an EntityGroup) (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertySelfAndSubtypeGroups Returns a list of groups for this entity type and all sub-types. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
Public PropertyVerificationEnabled Enable or disable verification for entities in this group. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityGroup)
See Also


EntityGroup<TEntity> Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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