DevForce Help Reference
EntityManager Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityManager members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAuthenticationContextGets or sets the IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Security.IAuthenticationContext used by this EntityManager.  
Public PropertyAuthorizedThreadId The thread id that this EntityManager is authorized to execute on. An EntityManager can only execute on a single thread at one time.  
Public PropertyCacheStateManagerThe CacheStateManager that controls saving and restoring the state of this EntityManager's internal cache.  
Public PropertyCompositionContextReturns the CompositionContext used by this EntityManager.  
Public PropertyDataSourceExtension Gets the DataSourceExtension used with this EntityManager.  
Public PropertyDataSourceResolver Gets the DataSourceResolver used to map entity types to data sources and IdGenerators.  
Public PropertyDefaultEntityReferenceStrategy Sets the default EntityReferenceStrategy for all references within this EntityManager;  
Public PropertyDefaultQueryStrategyGets or sets the default QueryStrategy to use for all queries where the QueryStrategy is not set either by parameter or as part of the Query itself.  
Public PropertyDefaultSaveOptionsGets or sets the default options that will be used if no SaveOptions are passed to a SaveChanges method.  
Public PropertyEntityServiceOption Gets the EntityServiceOption used to determine whether to connect to a local or distributed Entity Service.  
Public PropertyIsClient Returns whether the EntityManager is running on the client or the server.  
Public PropertyIsConnected Returns whether the EntityManager is currently connected to an EntityServer.  
Public PropertyIsLoggedIn Returns whether this EntityManager is logged in to the EntityServer.  
Public PropertyMetadataStoreThe EntityMetadataStore for this manager.  
Public PropertyOptions Misc. set of options available to control various aspects of an EntityManager's behavior.  
Public PropertyQueryCache Gets the cache of previously executed queries.  
Public PropertySafeThreadingCheck Delegate to a method called by the EntityManager to determine if an operation can safely be performed on the current thread.  
Public PropertyServiceKey Gets the name of the serviceKey which defines the EntityServer address.  
Public PropertyTag Gets or sets a user-defined value for this EntityManager.  
Public PropertyUsesDistributedEntityService Gets whether this EntityManager uses a distributed Entity Service.  
Public PropertyVerifierEngineGets or sets the IdeaBlade.Validation.VerifierEngine shared by all entities within this EntityManager.  
See Also


EntityManager Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace
IEntity Interface
EntityQuery Class
PassthruEsqlQuery Class
StoredProcQuery Class

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