DevForce Help Reference
ExecuteQuery(IEntityQuery) Method

Executes the specified query.
Public Overloads Function ExecuteQuery( _
   ByVal query As IEntityQuery _
) As IEnumerable
Dim instance As EntityManager
Dim query As IEntityQuery
Dim value As IEnumerable
value = instance.ExecuteQuery(query)
public IEnumerable ExecuteQuery( 
   IEntityQuery query



Return Value

A collection of IEntityQuery.ElementType
In Silverlight and Windows Store applications use ExecuteQueryAsync(IEntityQuery) instead unless a cache-only query is performed.
public void ExecuteQuerySamples() {
  DomainModelEntityManager mgr = new DomainModelEntityManager();

  // 1a) Query by type 
  EntityQuery<Customer> query1a = mgr.Customers;
  IEnumerable<Customer> results1a = mgr.ExecuteQuery<Customer>(query1a);
  // 1b) Query by type with a query strategy
  EntityQuery<Customer> query1b = mgr.Customers.With(QueryStrategy.CacheOnly);
  IEnumerable<Customer> results1b = mgr.ExecuteQuery<Customer>(query1b);
  // 1c) Query by type using immediate execution
  List<Customer> results1c = mgr.Customers.ToList();

  // 2a) Query by EntityKey
  EntityKey key = new EntityKey(typeof(Customer), "ALFKI");
  var customer2a = key.ToQuery().FirstOrNullEntity();
  // 2b) Query by EntityKey with a query strategy
  var customer2b = key.ToQuery().With(QueryStrategy.CacheOnly).FirstOrNullEntity();

  // 3a) Query by a list of EntityKeys
  EntityKeyList keys = new EntityKeyList(typeof(Customer));
  keys.Add(new EntityKey(typeof(Customer), "ALFKI"));
  keys.Add(new EntityKey(typeof(Customer), "BONAP"));
  EntityKeyQuery query3a = keys.ToQuery();
  var results3a = mgr.ExecuteQuery(query3a);
  // 3b) Query by a list of EntityKeys with query strategy
  var results3b = mgr.ExecuteQuery(query3a.With(QueryStrategy.CacheOnly));

  // 4a) Query with an EntityQuery
  IEntityQuery<Customer> q4 = mgr.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID.StartsWith("A"));
  IEnumerable<Customer> results4a = mgr.ExecuteQuery<Customer>(q4);
  // 4b) Query with an EntityQuery and query strategy
  IEnumerable<Customer> results4b = mgr.ExecuteQuery<Customer>(q4.With(QueryStrategy.CacheOnly));

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


EntityManager Class
EntityManager Members
Overload List

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