DevForce Help Reference
EntityMetadata Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityMetadata members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCanQueryByEntityKey Gets whether primary key queries are allowed.  
Public PropertyComplexTypeProperties Returns a collection of EntityProperties that describe complex object properties for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyConcurrencyProperties Returns a collection of EntityProperties that are concurrency properties for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyDataProperties Returns a collection of DataEntityProperties for entities of this type in Ordinal order.  
Public PropertyDataSourceKeyName Gets the data source key name.  
Public PropertyDefaultEntityContainerName The default EntityContainerName for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyDefaultEntitySetName The default EntitySetName for entities of this type.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultValueFunction Use to override how DevForce sets the default value for a data entity property.  
Public PropertyEntityProperties Returns a collection of EntityProperties that belong to entities of this type.  
Public PropertyEntityType Gets the Type of the entity.  
Public PropertyForeignKeyProperties Returns a collection of ForegnKey EntityProperties  
Public PropertyHasStoreGeneratedId Returns whether this entity type has a store generated id.  
Public PropertyIsCodeFirst Whether this metadata was created via CodeFirst.  
Public PropertyIsComplexObjectTypeReturns whether this metadata describes a IComplexObject.  
Public PropertyKeyProperties Returns a collection of EntityProperties that are keys for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyListNavigationProperties Returns a collection of ListNavigationEntityProperties for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyNavigationProperties Returns a collection of NavigationEntityProperties for entities of this type.  
Public PropertyNullEntityGroup Gets a Null EntityGroup.  
Public PropertyScalarNavigationProperties Returns a collection of ListNavigationEntityProperties for entities of this type.  
See Also


EntityMetadata Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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