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EntityQuery<T> Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityQuery<T> members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCommandTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyElementTypeOverridden.  The type of elements returned by the query.  
Public PropertyEntityManager Gets or sets the EntityManager to use when the query is run. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyEntitySetName Gets or sets the name of the Entity Data Model (EDM) entity set used by this query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyExpressionSee System.Linq.IQueryable. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyIncludePaths Gets a collection of path strings in "Include" statements added to this query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyIsDefaultEntitySet Returns whether the query is using the "default" entity set. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyIsExecuteQuery Gets whether the query can be executed immediately (e.g., the query ends with a call to First(), Single(), Last(), ElementAt() or performs an aggregation). Internal use only. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyIsNamedQuery Returns true if the query is a named query having a server query method. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyNamedQuery The named query, if any, that this query is based upon. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyNamedQueryMethod The named method, if any, that this query was based on. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyNamedQueryResultIsEnumerable Returns true if the query is an IQueryable. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyOriginalClientQuery The original query before being merged with any named query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyParameters For use with Poco queries only. Otherwise closure variables should be used instead. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyQueryableType Gets the Entity type being queried. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyQueryStrategyGets or sets the QueryStrategy to use when executing this query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Public PropertyTag Gets or sets user-defined information regarding this query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyInternalQueryStrategy Returns the internal query strategy for this query. May be different from the QueryStrategy during the execution of a cache query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityQuery)
See Also


EntityQuery<T> Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace
EntityManager Class
EntityQueryExtensions Class

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