DevForce Help Reference
EntityQueryPageChangedEventArgs<T> Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityQueryPageChangedEventArgs<T> members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCancelled Returns whether the operation was cancelled. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyCompletedSuccessfully Returns whether the operation completed successfully. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyCompletedSynchronously Returns whether the operation was completed synchronously. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyError The exception, if any, thrown by the underlying operation. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyHasError Returns whether the operation failed. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyIsCompleted Returns whether the operation completed. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyIsErrorHandled Whether the Error was handled ( if one exists). (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.CompletedEventArgs)
Public PropertyPageIndex The index of the page moved to.  
Public PropertyResults The query results for the page.  
See Also


EntityQueryPageChangedEventArgs<T> Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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