DevForce Help Reference
EntityRelationLink Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by EntityRelationLink.

Public Properties
Public PropertyEntityRelation Returns the EntityRelation for this EntityRelationLink.  
Public PropertyFromRoleEntityRelationRole that is navigated from using this EntityRelationLink.  
Public PropertyIsScalar Is this a scalar link.  
Public PropertyQueryDirection Returns the QueryDirection for this EntityRelationLink.  
Public PropertyShouldCascadeDeletes Should deletion of the from side entities cascade to entities on the to side.  
Public PropertyToNavigationEntityProperty Returns the NavigationEntityProperty that is associated with this link's ToRole.  
Public PropertyToRoleEntityRelationRole that is navigated to using this EntityRelationLink.  
Public PropertyUniqueName The unique name of this Link.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEquals Determines whether two object instances are equal.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromOverloaded. Returns an EntityRelationLink from the EntityRelation and QueryDirection specified.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.  
Public MethodGetInverseReturns the EntityRelationLink in the inverse direction of this link's QueryDirection.  
Public MethodGetType (Inherited from object)
Public MethodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from object)
See Also


EntityRelationLink Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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