DevForce Help Reference
EntityRelationRole Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityRelationRole members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyEntityRelationGets the EntityRelation that this role is part of.  
Public PropertyEntityRelationRefConstraint Gets the kind of referential integrity constraint for this role.  
Public PropertyEntitySubtypes Gets all subtypes of the Type.  
Public PropertyEntityType Gets the entity type for this role.  
Public PropertyIsImplicitDeleteCascade Is this an implicit OnDeleteCascade  
Public PropertyLinkGets the EntityRelationLink that corresponds to the directed entity relation with this role as the "To" role.  
Public PropertyMultiplicityGets the Multiplicity of the role in this relation.  
Public PropertyOnDeleteModeGets the OnDeleteMode applicable when the object at this end of the relation is deleted.  
Public PropertyOtherRole Gets the "other" role that particapates in the relation with this role.  
Public PropertyPropertiesGets the EntityProperty or EntityProperties involved in this relation.  
Public PropertyQueryDirectionGets the QueryDirection of this role.  
Public PropertyReferenceStrategyGets or sets the EntityReferenceStrategy that determines how references using this role are resolved.  
Public PropertyRelationPropertyName Gets the name of the 'relation' property associated with this role.  
See Also


EntityRelationRole Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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