DevForce Help Reference
IEntityQuery Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IEntityQuery members.

Public Methods
 MethodClone (Inherited from System.ICloneable)
 MethodCreateFinder Internal use only.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodExecuteOverloaded.  Execute the query and return untyped results.
Public Extension MethodExecuteAsyncOverloaded.  Execute the query asynchronously.
Public Extension MethodExecuteAsyncOverloaded.  Execute the query asynchronously.
Public Extension MethodFirstOrNullEntityOverloaded.  Executes the query and returns the first element of the sequence, or the appropriate NullEntity if no element is found.
Public Extension MethodGetReferencedEntityTypes Returns a list of all entity types referenced by the query.
See Also


IEntityQuery Interface
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace
EntityQuery<T> Class
StoredProcQuery Class
PassthruEsqlQuery Class
EntityManager Property

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