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ITypedEntityQuery Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ITypedEntityQuery.

Public Properties
 PropertyCommandTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
 PropertyElementType The type returned by the query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
 PropertyEntityManager (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
 PropertyQueryableType The type that was originally queried. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
 PropertyQueryStrategy Determines whether this query will operate against the data source, the in-memory cache, or a combination of the two. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
 PropertyTag Gets or sets user-defined information regarding this query. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
Public Methods
 MethodClone (Inherited from System.ICloneable)
 MethodCreateFinder Internal use only. (Inherited from IdeaBlade.EntityModel.IEntityQuery)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAll Determines whether every element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
Public Extension MethodAnyOverloaded.  Determines whether a sequence contains any elements.
Public Extension MethodAsScalarAsyncOverloaded. Converts an IEntityQuery{T} to an IEntityScalarQuery<T> so that the scalar query can be executed asynchronously.
Public Extension MethodCast<TResult> Converts the elements of an ITypedEntityQuery to the specified type.
Public Extension MethodContains Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer.
Public Extension MethodCountOverloaded.  Returns the number of elements in a sequence.
Public Extension MethodDistinctOverloaded.  Returns distinct elements from a sequence.
Public Extension MethodExecuteOverloaded.  Execute the query and return untyped results.
Public Extension MethodExecuteAsyncOverloaded.  Execute the query asynchronously.
Public Extension MethodExecuteAsyncOverloaded.  Execute the query asynchronously.
Public Extension MethodFirstOrNullEntityOverloaded.  Executes the query and returns the first element of the sequence, or the appropriate NullEntity if no element is found.
Public Extension MethodGetReferencedEntityTypes Returns a list of all entity types referenced by the query.
Public Extension MethodGroupByOverloaded.  Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function.
Public Extension MethodOfType<TResult> Filters the elements of an IEntityQuery based on a specified type.
Public Extension MethodOrderBySelectorOverloaded. Sorts the elements of a sequence according to a IdeaBlade.Linq.SortSelector containing one or more sort criteria.
Public Extension MethodSelectOverloaded.  Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
Public Extension MethodSelectManyOverloaded.  Projects each element of a sequence to an IEnumerable{T} and combines the resulting sequences into one sequence of type IQueryable{T}.
Public Extension MethodSkipOverloaded.  Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence and then returns the remaining elements.
Public Extension MethodTakeOverloaded.  Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
Public Extension MethodWhereOverloaded.  Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
See Also


ITypedEntityQuery Interface
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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