DevForce Help Reference
SaveOptions Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see SaveOptions members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCommunicationRetryPolicyGets or sets the retry policy to use for possibly transient communication errors to a remote EntityServer. If not set, the DefaultRetryPolicyForSave is used, which in turn defaults to the IdeaBlade.Core.NoRetry policy.  
Public PropertyEntityTypesExcludedFromPostSaveRefetch Gets or sets the types of entities which should not be returned to the client after a save.  
Public PropertyEntityTypesRequiringPostSaveRefresh Gets or sets the types of entities to be included in the refresh that is performed after a save.  
Public PropertyIgnoreClientValidationErrors Gets or sets a flag whether to ignore client validation errors on save.  
Public PropertyPersistenceOrder For future use. Gets or sets the order in which entities should be processed when persisting to a non-EDM data source.  
Public PropertyPocoSaveMode Determines how to discover any custom server side POCO save methods.  
Public PropertyTag Used to pass custom user information to the EntityServer regarding the Save operation.  
Public PropertyTransactionSettings Gets or sets the transactional behavior for the save.  
See Also


SaveOptions Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace

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