DevForce Help Reference
EntityManager Class Events

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityManager members.

Public Events
Public EventCleared Fired whenever this entityManager is cleared.  
Public EventConnectionStateChanged Fired when the connection state of the EntityManager changes.  
Public EventEntityChanged Fired whenever an entity's state has changed in any significant manner.  
Public EventEntityChanging Fired whenever an entity's state is changing in any significant manner.  
Public EventEntityManagerCreated Event fired whenever a new EntityManager is created.  
Public EventEntityServerErrorRaised when an error occurs while accessing the EntityServer or backend data source.  
Public EventFetching Occurs before the EntityManager fetches data from an EntityServer. This event will only occur if the query will not be satisfied out of the local cache.  
Public EventQueried Occurs after the EntityManager has completed processing of a query.  
Public EventQuerying Occurs before the EntityManager executes a query.  
Public EventSaved Occurs after the EntityManager has persisted changed entities.  
Public EventSaving Occurs when the EntityManager is preparing to save changes.  
See Also


EntityManager Class
IdeaBlade.EntityModel Namespace
IEntity Interface
EntityQuery Class
PassthruEsqlQuery Class
StoredProcQuery Class

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