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Documentation.Glossary » DevForce Universal

DevForce Universal

Last modified on August 08, 2011 15:06

DevForce Universal allows you to reach any user, anywhere, with our tools and infrastructure for building desktop, Silverlight, and Web applications for Silverlight, WPF, WinForms, and ASP.NET.

One install, multiple client technologies

Develop and deploy your applications to support all the .NET client technologies through a single install. This makes it easy to standardize your development environment onto one framework and enables developers to move seamlessly across projects. One domain model enables all client technologies to work with a shared domain model making it is easy for you to develop, test, and deploy your applications across different client types because of code reuse.

Protect your investment against future changes and introduction of new technologies. Build your application with DevForce and use your
server-side code to drive any number of front-end clients, including Silverlight, WPF, iOS, and HTML/JavaScript.

Created by DevForce on December 13, 2010 12:14

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