Up The Login process

Customize the Login process

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:22

You can customize the Login process by providing your own implementations of many interfaces.  DevForce will usually find your custom implementations without any extra work on your part.  See the topic on extending DevForce for more information on how to ensure your custom types are discovered.


Most applications need their own IEntityLoginManager to validate the credentials supplied by users.  Unless you're using ASP.NET security, DevForce does not provide an IEntityLoginManager out of the box and you will need to supply your own.  It's easy, and you can find more information here.

If you're using ASP.NET security DevForce does provide a default login manager which is sufficient for many applications.  You can sub-class this login manager, the AspAuthenticationLoginManager if you require further customization.


Any serializable type implementing the ILoginCredential interface can be used. The LoginCredential and the FormsAuthenticationLoginCredential are the DevForce-supplied implementations. The credential supplied in the Login call on the client is the credential received in the IEntityLoginManager.Login method. The class defining the ILoginCredential must be available on both client and server.


Any serializable type implementing System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal can be returned from the IEntityLoginManager.Login method. The object is returned to the client and is available via the AuthenticationContext.Principal.  The IPrincipal is also available to other server methods. The class defining the IPrincipal must be available on both client and server.  The IIdentity held by the IPrincipal must also be a serializable type and available on both client and server.

If you sub-type either UserBase or UserIdentity, the DevForce default implementations of IPrincipal and IIdentity, your classes must be:

  1. Marked with the DataContract attribute.  Also be sure to mark any custom properties which should be transmitted between tiers with the DataMember attribute.
  2. Included on both the client and server!  You won't be able to login if your custom classes aren't defined in assemblies deployed to both client and server tiers.


Any serializable type extending LoginException can be thrown for login failures. To ensure that your custom exception is received correctly on the client, you must also implement a constructor accepting the message, and a constructor accepting a dictionary of any custom properties. DevForce will automatically serialize any custom properties via a Dictionary<string, object>, and will call the appropriate constructor when building the exception on the client. The class defining the custom exception must be available on both client and server.  For example:

public class CustomLoginException : LoginException {
 public CustomLoginException(string message, int severity) :
   base(message) {
    Severity = severity;

 public CustomLoginException(string message,
    Dictionary<string, object> userData) : base(message) {
    Severity = (int)userData["Severity"];
 public int Severity {
  internal set;
<DataContract()> _
Public Class CustomLoginException
 Inherits LoginException
 Public Sub New(ByVal message As String, ByVal severity As Integer)
   Me.Severity = severity
 End Sub

 Public Sub New(ByVal message As String, _
   ByVal userData As Dictionary(Of String, Object))
    Severity = CInt(Fix(userData("Severity")))
 End Sub

 Private privateSeverity As Integer
  <DataMember()> _
 Public Property Severity() As Integer
     Return privateSeverity
   End Get
   Friend Set(ByVal value As Integer)
      privateSeverity = value
   End Set
 End Property
End Class

Tags: Security
Created by DevForce on March 08, 2012 13:46

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