Up DevForce development


Last modified on January 29, 2013 13:45

This topic starts you on a path to developing a DevForce application. We suggest some resources to explore first. We talk about what is installed with DevForce.


Get started

  1. Watch the video. (Silverlight) (WPF)
  2. Take the tour. (Silverlight) (WPF)
  3. Explore the DevForce Resource Center.

Learn by example

The DevForce Resource Center (DRC) offers a variety of code samples, step-by-step tutorials, and videos. If you've never programmed with DevForce before, you might look at some of these resources first.

Resource Summary
Silverlight "Quickie" Up and running in Silverlight app in 10 minutes.
WPF "Quickie" Up and running in WPF in 10 minutes.
Silverlight tour Walkthrough of a basic Silverlight application.
WPF tour Walkthrough of a basic WPF application.
Architecture Overview The DevForce architecture overview.

As you progress, you'll turn to the following resources for more depth and detail:

Resource Summary
Code samples Code samples that accompany the DevForce Development topics.
API online DevForce API documentation on the web
API offline DevForce API documentation as a CHM help file. You must unblock the chm to view it.

Learn some Entity Framework

The Entity Framework (EF) is a core technology in most DevForce Applications. You will probably define your Entity Data Model with EF's design tool and rely on EF to query and save data. We'll show you how to use the EF designer to define DevForce entities in the Model topic but EF itself is too rich a subject for us to cover and we won't try to teach you everything about you need to know. Here are some external resources that can get up to speed and keep you going.

Learn some LINQ

You write most queries in LINQ, the "Language Integrated Query" facility introduced in .NET 3.5. DevForce client applications use LINQ-to-Entities to query both the remote database and the local entity cache. You need to know some LINQ basics to write a DevForce app and it's a skill you want to acquire as a .NET professional. We assume you know some LINQ. We recommend these external resources for learning LINQ.

What next?

Browse the other topics in this "Start" section for an essential orientation to developing with DevForce.

Created by DevForce on February 14, 2011 11:23

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