Up Create, modify and delete

Inspect original values

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:22

You can inspect the original version of a data property value even if the entity is in a modified or deleted state. 

Normally when you read an entity data property, DevForce returns the "current" value. Internally DevForce maintains several versions of each data property's value: the current version (with a pending change if any), its original version (the value as it was when the entity was last retrieved or saved), and a proposed version (for a change that is no yet recorded). This topic covers the EntityVersion enumeration and how you use it in combination with the GetValue method to inspect specific versions of property data.

Data Property Versioning

When you undo changes you've made to a modified entity, DevForce reverts the entity's data properties to their "original" values.

DevForce maintains more than one value per data property. In fact, it may hold up to three versions of the property value : the current, the original, and a proposed version. 

The Current version is the one you see most of the time. You won't often want to look at other versions. You'll be happy to know the original is there somewhere, standing by in case you "undo". But there may come a time, perhaps while writing validation logic that concerns transitions from one state to another, when you want to examine the other versions. This topic explains the versions in some detail and shows how you can inspect them. 

DevForce only versions "data properties", the properties that you persist to the database. It doesn't version navigation properties nor the custom properties that you wrote.

Seeing is believing

This is easier to talk about with an example. Let's write a simple statement using the CompanyName property of an umodified Customer object:

  originalName = testCustomer.CompanyName;
  originalName = testCustomer.CompanyName

The "originalName" variable is assigned the Current version of the CompanyName property.

Technically, the CompanyName property returns the Default version which might be other than the Current under different circumstances. See below.

Because this entity is unmodified, the Current version is the same as the Original version which is why we called the variable, originalName

Let's change the Current version:

  testCustomer.CompanyName = newName =  "New Name";
  testCustomer.CompanyName = newName =  "New Name"

The current CompanyName will be newName; the original will remain originalName. To prove it, we'll use the EntityAspect to go under the hood. EntityAspect has a GetValue method with an overload that accepts one of the EntityVersion enums.

  // Get the current and original values
  var curVal  = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current);
   var origVal = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original);

   Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal);
   Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal);
   Assert.AreNotEqual(curVal, origVal); // driving the point home.
 ' Get the current and original values
 Dim curVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current))
 Dim origVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original))

  Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal)
  Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal)
  Assert.AreNotEqual(curVal, origVal) ' driving the point home.       

Let's detach the entity and test the versions again:

  // Hold onto its current manager
  var manager = testCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityManager;

  // Detach

  // Get the current and original values again
  curVal  = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current);
   origVal = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original);

  // Both values are available, even in the detached state
  Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal);
   Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal);
  ' Hold onto its current manager
 Dim manager = testCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityManager

 ' Detach

 ' Get the current and original values again
 curVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current))
  origVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original))

 ' Both values are available, even in the detached state
 Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal)
  Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal)  

DevForce entities are "self-tracking". They retain both their current and original values even when detached from an EntityManager. We can serialize them, deserialize them, hand them around, import them in another EntityManager, or re-attach them to their former manager like this:

  // Re-attach **and** ensure its //[[EntityState>>EntityState]]// is "modified"

  // Get the current and original values again
  curVal =  (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current);
   origVal = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original);

  // We've restored the modified entity
   Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal);
   Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal);
' Re-attach **and** ensure its //[[EntityState>>EntityState]]// is "modified"

 ' Get the current and original values again
 curVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current))
   origVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original))

 ' We've restored the modified entity
  Assert.AreEqual(newName, curVal)
  Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal)    

Finally let's undo the pending changes and check the values again:

   testCustomer.EntityAspect.RejectChanges(); // undo

  // Get the current and original values again
  curVal  = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current);
   origVal = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original);

  // Back to the initial unmodified entity
   Assert.AreEqual(originalName, curVal); // current restored to original
  Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal);
   Assert.AreEqual(curVal, origVal);      // driving the point home.
  testCustomer.EntityAspect.RejectChanges() ' undo

 ' Get the current and original values again
 curVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Current))
  origVal = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Original))

 ' Back to the initial unmodified entity
  Assert.AreEqual(originalName, curVal) ' current restored to original
 Assert.AreEqual(originalName, origVal)
  Assert.AreEqual(curVal, origVal) ' driving the point home.   

The Original version

The Original value is the value retrieved from the database. Newly added entities don't have an Original value. They have a Current value. They get an Original value when you save.

You can simulate a save by calling EntityAspect.AcceptChanges. You should be wary of doing that although it can be useful in tests.

The Proposed version

DevForce entities implement System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject. That means they have an additional level of do-undo.

IEditableObject has three methods:

BeginEdit()Begin editing the object. An edit session is open. While open, changes go into the Proposed version. 
CancelEdit() Cancel the edit. The edit session closes and the Proposed versions are discarded.
EndEdit()Ends the edit session and pushes the Proposed version values into the Current version.

You can inquire about the Proposed version any time.

  var proposed = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Proposed);

 Dim proposed = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Proposed) 

The Default

There is a "Default" EntityVersion enum. Default is not really a version. Rather, it maps to the version whose value would be returned by calling the property directly as we see in this example:

  var value   =  testCustomer.CompanyName;
  var default = (string) testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Default);  
  Assert.AreEqual(value, default );  // Always true.
 Dim value = testCustomer.CompanyName
 Dim default1 = CStr(testCustomer.EntityAspect.GetValue("CompanyName", EntityVersion.Default))
  Assert.AreEqual(value, default1) ' Always true.

That's a tautology. You want to know how the Default is mapped.

Default maps to ... when ...
Current the entity is added, modified, unchanged, or detached.
Original the entity is deleted.
Proposed the entity is in the middle of an IEditableObject editing session.

Asking for a version that isn't defined

What if you ask for the Original of an added entity? An added entity doesn't have an Original value. Rather than throw an exception or return a strange value, DevForce returns the Default version.

DevForce always returns the Default version if the version asked for is undefined.

To give another example, the Proposed version is undefined unless the entity is in an open IEditableObject edit session. If there is no open edit session and you ask for the Proposed value, you get ... the Default value.

The EntityVersion Enum

EntityVersion is an enum whose values you should now appreciate.

Version Summary
Current The value that would be saved to the database.
Original The value as it was when the entity was last queried or saved.
Proposed A changed value within an open IEditableObject session. It becomes the current value when the session is closed by a call to EndEdit.
Default Always the same as the property value. It is usually Current; it is Proposed during an IEditableObject edit session and Original for a Deleted entity.

EntityVersion is a flag enumeration, meaning you can 'OR' the values together to form a composite EntityVersion value for search purposes. 

Created by DevForce on February 16, 2011 15:22

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