Up Authenticate

Use ASP.NET security

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:20

DevForce provides out-of-the-box integration with ASP.NET security features (Membership, Roles, Profile).  These features can be used in any application -- Silverlight, desktop, or ASP.NET.  If developing for Silverlight or ASP.NET, choosing ASP.NET security is often the right choice over a custom security implementation.  ASP.NET security is easy to use, highly configurable, and well-documented.  See http://www.asp.net/learn/security/ for information on ASP.NET security features.

For Silverlight applications, DevForce provides Visual Studio project templates for a "DevForce Silverlight Business Application" which automatically use ASP.NET security features without any additional work or configuration required on your part.  See the Business Application Templates for more information.

In order to use ASP.NET security in DevForce you must set the UseAspNetSecurityServices flag in the web.config or server .config to enable it.  When enabled, DevForce will use the AspAuthenticatingLoginManager to handle login requests from clients.

  <serverSettings useAspNetSecurityServices="true" />

You must also enable AspNetCompatibility  in order to allow the DevForce services to integrate with ASP.NET services. You set this in the system.serviceModel configuration section. Here's the relevant element in the system.serviceModel section:

  <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />

You must enable the ASP.NET services you wish to use in the system.web configuration section of the config file, as well as choose the type of authentication wanted. These steps are described below.


Authentication in ASP.NET can take either of two flavors – Forms or Windows. For either type of authentication, after a successful Login completes a UserBase instance representing the user is available on both client and server.

Forms Authentication

Forms authentication involves validating user credentials against a Membership provider.  The default provider uses a SQL Server Membership database, aspnetdb, to store user information.  ASP.NET also supplies a Membership provider for Active Directory, or you can write a custom provider.  

To use Forms authentication, specify this authentication mode in the system.web configuration section:

  <authentication mode="Forms" />

In your application you can ask the user for login credentials and pass the credential in the EntityManager.Login call. DevForce will validate the credentials with the ASP.NET membership provider. If the user is authenticated, a FormsAuthenticationTicket is issued. If you want the ticket to be persistent you should pass a FormsAuthenticationLoginCredential in the Login call, since this credential allows you to set the persistence flag. 

You can also call EntityManager.Login with a null argument if your application accepts either persistent authentication tickets or the user has already logged in as part of the larger application.  

Windows Authentication

When using Windows authentication in ASP.NET the current Windows credentials of the client are transmitted to the server.  This can be used in intranet environments only.

To use Windows authentication, specify this authentication mode in the system.web configuration section:

  <authentication mode="Windows" />

Note that additional configuration changes are required both in IIS and in the communications configuration in order to pass Windows credentials to the EntityServer.  These changes are discussed in the configuration topic.

On your client, call the EntityManager.Login method with a null credential.  The AspNetAuthenticatingLoginManager will check the HttpContext.Current.User for a WindowsPrincipal representing the user, and from that create a UserBase to be returned to the client.


You must enable the Role service in the configuration file in order to use this feature:

  <roleManager enabled="true" />

With roles enabled, user role information will be obtained from the ASP.NET RoleProvider, and role-based authorization can be used in your application. Use UserBase.Roles to retrieve all roles for the user, and UserBase.IsInRole() to determine role membership.

Check the ASP.NET documentation for information on how to create and manage roles and assign users to roles.


You must enable the Profile service in the configuration file in order to use this feature, and define the profile properties wanted.  Here's a sample:

  <profile enabled="true">
   <!-- Sample properties -->
      <add name="WindowSeat" type="bool" defaultValue="false" />
      <add name="Building" type="string" defaultValue="A" />

You also need to extend the UserBase class with the custom properties from your profile. DevForce will automatically populate these properties from the Profile if the property name and type match, and the setter is public. Your custom UserBase class must be serializable, since it will be transmitted between client and server tiers.  The DevForce Business Application project template for Visual Studio uses the Profile service and shows a sample User class which extends the UserBase with a Profile property. 

Application Name

If relying on the application name for authentication you must explicitly set it in all membership providers:

      <add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
           type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
           applicationName="/MyDevForceApp" />


Credentials (Forms authentication)

You can pass custom credentials, derived from ILoginCredential, LoginCredential, or FormsAuthenticationLoginCredential with the Login call. With custom credentials, you will generally also want to provide a custom IEntityLoginManager implementation to receive these credentials. If you wish to take advantage of existing DevForce ASP.NET service integration, you should derive your class from the AspNetAuthenticatingLoginManager and override methods as needed.


You can implement your own IEntityLoginManager or extend the AspNetAuthenticatingLoginManager to provide custom logic. Any custom implementation will be used if found.


You can also extend the UserBase class. If you enable the ASP.NET Profile service you will want to use a custom UserBase which contains additional properties retrieved from the profile. DevForce will automatically return your custom UserBase (if found) without the need to implement a custom AspNetAuthenticatingLoginManager.


"Error using ASP.NET Membership: Unable to connect to SQL Server database." Message received on a Login call.

This will occur if the ASP.NET membership database cannot be found or opened. You must configure the ASP.NET membership provider if you wish to use ASP.NET security features, and by default the AspNetSqlProvider is used. This will use the LocalSqlServer connection string from either your web.config or the machine.config. The default connection expects a SQLExpress database named aspnetdb.mdf. For more information on configuring ASP.NET membership see the membership tutorials at http://www.asp.net/learn/security/ .

The default in the machine.config:

  <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=
    .\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;
    User Instance=true"

To override in your web.config, remove the old connection string and add the new connection string.  Here's a sample re-pointing the connection to the default instance of SQL Server on the machine:

  <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
  <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString=
   "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True;"
    providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Created by DevForce on December 10, 2010 14:49

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