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Create an EntityManager

Last modified on September 13, 2012 14:07

To use DevForce, you must first create an EntityManager from which you'll do most of your work.

Construct a bare EntityManager

Call "new" to construct a new instance of the EntityManager class. It can be as simple as

manager = new EntityManager();
manager = New EntityManager()

You'll generally work directly with the sub-typed domain-specific EntityManager class that DevForce generates for you, but you can always construct the base EntityManager class and work with that when wanted.  The base EntityManager can work with any domain model.

This default constructor assumes that you want to contact the server as soon as possible and tries to connect to the EntityServer.  This connection will be done asynchronously in Silverlight and Windows Store applications.  Since a connect attempt might be slow in some installations, and can fail if the EntityServer doesn't respond, it's often a good idea to perform the connect explicitly, and asychronously if you don't want to block your UI.

You won't be able to do anything with the manager until you've both connected to an EntityServer and established a security context for the EntityManager. That isn't readily apparent out-of-the-box since DevForce enables anonymous authentication by default.  But you are sure to require authentication constraints of some sort, and when you do, the EntityManager will refuse to send any messages to the server until those constraints are met.

Please establish your security plan early in the development process.

Construct the EntityManager for your entity model

The entity model you created using the Entity Data Model Designer also generated a custom EntityManager for you, one that derives from the DevForce EntityManager class and is enriched with additional members that make it easier to work with your entity model.

Peek inside the generated code file (e.g., NorthwindIBEntitiesIB.Designer.cs). Notice the custom EntityManager near the top of the file. It might looks a bit like this:

public partial class NorthwindEntities : IbEm.EntityManager {
// ..
Partial Public Class NorthwindEntities
 Inherits IbEm.EntityManager
 ' ..
End Class

You can construct one of these as you did the bare DevForce EntityManager.

manager = new NorthwindEntities();
manager = New NorthwindEntities()

Look further in the generated code to find several constructors that enable you to determine initial characteristics of the EntityManager. The first is the constructor you called above; all of its parameters are optional.

public NorthwindManager(
  bool shouldConnect=true, // Whether to start connecting to the server immediately
  string dataSourceExtension=null, // optional target environment
  IbEm.EntityServiceOption entityServiceOption=IbEm.EntityServiceOption.UseDefaultService,
  string compositionContextName=null)
   : base(shouldConnect, dataSourceExtension, entityServiceOption, compositionContextName) {}
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal _
  shouldConnect As Boolean =True, _
 Optional ByVal dataSourceExtension As String =Nothing, _
 Optional ByVal entityServiceOption As IbEm.EntityServiceOption =IbEm.EntityServiceOption.UseDefaultService, _
 Optional ByVal compositionContextName As String =Nothing)

 MyBase.New(shouldConnect, dataSourceExtension, entityServiceOption, compositionContextName)
End Sub

Another generated constructor gathers all options together into an EntityManagerContext.  The EntityManagerContext allows for additional settings not available in the other constructors, including options to control refetch behavior and connect to a non-default application server.

public NorthwindManager(
   IbEm.EntityManagerContext entityManagerContext) : base(entityManagerContext) {}
Public Sub New(ByVal entityManagerContext As IbEm.EntityManagerContext)    
End Sub

These constructors are available for the base EntityManager class too. You can read the DevForce API documentation  for details about these parameters and the other constructors. 

You might consider a brief digression now to learn about creating a disconnected EntityManager and creating EntityManagers that target different databases under different execution scenarios.

Custom EntityQuery properties

The custom EntityQuery properties are one reason you may prefer to create a new custom EntityManager such as NorthwindEntities rather than a bare-bones EntityManager.

Peeking again at the generated code for NorthwindEntities we find query properties generated for each of the entity types. Here is one for querying Customers.

public IbEm.EntityQuery<Customer> Customers {
   get { return new IbEm.EntityQuery<Customer>("Customers", this); } // IbEm == IdeaBlade.EntityModel
Public ReadOnly Property Customers() As IbEm.EntityQuery(Of Customer)
 Get ' IbEm == IdeaBlade.EntityModel
   Return New IbEm.EntityQuery(Of Customer)("Customers", Me)
 End Get
End Property

It's a nice touch - a bit of syntactic sugar - that can make a LINQ query a little easier for developers to read and write:

query1 = northwindManager.Customer.Where(...);
query2 = bareManager.GetQuery<Customer>().Where(...);
query1 = northwindManager.Customer.Where(...)
query2 = bareManager.GetQuery(Of Customer)().Where(...)

The two queries are functionally the same. Most developers prefer query1.

Created by DevForce on February 25, 2011 15:50

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