You have several options on how your application will connect to a data source. We'll discuss them here.
DevForce uses the concept of a Data Source Key to identify a data source. The key is used both at design-time, when the name of the DataSourceKey is tied to the generated code for an entity model, and again at run time when the EntityManager will query and save entities from the entity model.
When you created your entity model in the Visual Studio EDM Designer, you specified a DataSourceKey for the model.
This key name is also written into the generated code, to associate the entities in a model with this schema name:
C# | [IbEm.DataSourceKeyName(@"NorthwindIBEntities")] public partial class Employee : IbEm.Entity { .. } |
VB | <IbEm.DataSourceKeyName("NorthwindIBEntities")> Partial Public Class Employee Inherits IbEm.Entity End Class |
By default, the DataSourceKey is given the same name as the Entity Container Name, and thus points to the connection string the designer adds to the config file in your model project:
XML | <connectionStrings> <add name="NorthwindIBEntities" connectionString="…" /> </connectionStrings> |
The EDM Designer created the connection string from a database used at design time. In the early phases of development, you'll likely use this same database, and connection string, for your development and testing. As you query and save entities, DevForce uses the DataSourceKeyName to help find the connection information to the run time database.
The connection information must be in the configuration file used by the EntityServer. If your entity model was generated into a class library (which is recommended), the app.config the EDM generated for design-time support won't ever be found or used at run time. So, your first task is ensuring that you copy or add the connection information to the run time config file. In an n-tier application, this config file will be on the server, since an n-tier client application does not directly work with the data tier.
See the topic on config file discovery for more information on how the configuration file is found at run time.
We're not done yet, though. DevForce uses two pieces of information to find the appropriate run time connection information: the data source key name combined with the data source extension, which we'll discuss next.
You may not have realized it, but when you constructed your EntityManager you also supplied it with a data source extension. The default extension is an empty string, meaning of course that no extension is used. An extension allows an EntityManager to target a specific run time database: for example it might be instructed to use "Dev" or "Test", or the extension might indicate that the EntityManager should use the databases for a particular tenant in a multi-tenant application.
DevForce uses the DataSourceKeyName to identify the data source schema, combined with the data source extension to indicate the specific schema-matching database to use. It's these two pieces of information which DevForce uses when searching for the "connection information" in your configuration file.
For example, if we construct an EntityManager with the "Test" data source extension:
C# | manager = new NorthwindEntities(dataSourceExtension: "Test"); |
VB | manager = New NorthwindEntities(dataSourceExtension:= "Test") |
DevForce will use the data source key, in this case "NorthwindIBEntities", combined with the data source extension of "Test" to search the configuration for the best match. But what specifically is it searching for? We cover that next.
Above we used the vague term "connection information". We did this intentionally, since there are two ways you can provide connection information to DevForce in a configuration file:
In the sample above, DevForce will search for an edmKey or connectionString named "NorthwindIBEntities_Test". The underscore is the separator character DevForce uses, and allows you to construct multi-level extensions too. Remember not to use the underscore in the data source extension you pass into the EntityManager however.
DevForce will search for the best match. If you have both an edmKey and connectionString with the same name, DevForce will give preference to the edmKey. If DevForce can't find an exact match, it will drop the last extension from the string and then continue the search, and so on for all extensions provided. Note that the search is not case sensitive. If a match isn't found, you'll receive an error when attempting to query or save.
Unless providing connection information dynamically, you must ensure that either an edmKey or connectionString is available at run time in the appropriate config file.
DevForce also allows you to omit connection information from the run time configuration altogether and supply the connection string dynamically, using the IDataSourceKeyResolver interface.
DevForce actually uses its own implementation of the IDataSourceKeyResolver called the DefaultDataSourceKeyResolver to perform the key lookup we described above. You can implement a key resolver to override the default processing.
The IDataSourceKeyResolver interface defines a single method, GetKey, which you'll implement to provide your own key resolution logic. You should return either an in-memory EdmKey or ClientEdmKey , or null if you want default key resolution to be performed.
C# | IDataSourceKey GetKey(String keyName, String keyExtension, bool onServer); |
VB | IDataSourceKey GetKey(String keyName, String keyExtension, bool onServer) |
Note that the EdmKey you return is constructed only in code and does not need to be defined in the configuration file.
Although the key resolver is called on both client and server, key resolution is required on only the server. If you implement a custom resolver it's not required that you deploy your custom class to the client.
Regardless of how you specify your connection information - whether in the connectionStrings, edmKeys or dynamically - you must still provide a valid Entity Framework connection string.
Here's an entry defined in the connectionStrings section:
XML | <connectionStrings> <add name="NorthwindIBEntities" connectionString=" metadata=res://*/DomainModel.csdl|res://*/DomainModel.ssdl|res://*/DomainModel.msl; provider=System.Data.SqlClient; provider connection string= " Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=NorthwindIB; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True; "" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /> </connectionStrings> |
The <connectionString> has three parts:
Here's the same connection information specified in an EdmKey:
XML | <edmKeys> <edmKey name="NorthwindIBEntities" connection=" metadata=res://*/DomainModel.csdl|res://*/DomainModel.ssdl|res://*/DomainModel.msl; provider=System.Data.SqlClient; provider connection string= " Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=NorthwindIB; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True; "" /> </edmKeys> |
Note that the sample SQL Server connection string above is more common to a developer's machine than a production deployment.
For more information on connection strings in EF, see
If you specify your connection information in a .config file, you may want to protect those sections containing sensitive information. You can encrypt configuration sections, such as the connectionStrings and ideablade.configuration sections, to limit unauthorized viewing. See here for more information. (To encrypt the ideablade.configuration section, make sure that the section definition contains the fully-qualified assembly name.)
In a production deployment, be sure to use a database account with appropriate privileges. Don't use an administrative account, and if you do use integrated security make sure that the service account does not have administrative privileges.
Also consider encrypting database traffic. See here for more information on encrypted SQL Server connections.