Up Architecture


Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:21

DevForce networked communications between the EntityServer and the client are managed using the Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

WCF is notoriously difficult to configure, test, and debug. Most RIA application developers don’t have the WCF skills and want to minimize their involvement with WCF. They appreciate that WCF is handling the communications; they just want it to work.

DevForce handles the essential WCF configuration for you automatically. With DevForce:

  • You don't create a WCF service, with attendant .svc file and complex web.config configuration changes.
  • You don't "add a service reference" in your client application to communicate to the service.

In DevForce, configuration of WCF communications is done for you, so you can focus on the needs of your application.  You'll work with the EntityManager, and it in turn will determine how and when to communicate with the EntityServer.  

DevForce can figure out what you need by interpreting your application solution structure in combination with configuration files added by the DevForce Visual Studio project templates.  Yet the full range of WCF configuration remains available. Anything you write in configuration files trumps the DevForce defaults and heuristics. You can configure WCF programmatically too.

Created by DevForce on February 25, 2011 09:55

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