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Code sample: DevForce Windows Store app tour

Last modified on March 28, 2016 14:06

The Windows Store Developer's Tour provides an introduction to developing a Windows Store app with DevForce 2012.

What you'll learn:

  • How to write n-tier LINQ queries in DevForce
  • How to handle asynchronous queries and saves
  • Simple navigation techniques in Windows Store apps
  • Abstracting data management into a DataService

This version of the tour uses a Database First model.  See here for the Code First version.

Getting started

The Windows Store Developer's Tour demonstrates a simple two page master/detail application. The first page lists all customers in the NorthwindIB sample database and provides search capability. Tap a customer and it takes you to the detail page where you can edit the customer and save. Tapping the back button takes you back to the list.

You must enable NuGet package restore within Visual Studio in order to restore the required DevForce NuGet packages and other dependencies. The first time you build the application, the dependent NuGet packages are installed. 

The Developer's tour includes a SQL CE version of the NorthwindIB sample database.

Let's first take a look at the solution structure:


A DevForce Windows Store application is an n-tier application, and uses an EntityServer to perform all backend data access. We see that reflected in the solution structure: WindowsStoreDevTour is the client application project, and Server is the web application project hosting the EntityServer.

Next, let's look at the model. The Entity Data Model was added to the Server project, and contains only a single entity type, Customer:


Finally, note that while the entity model is located in the Server project, the generated code for the entities, in the NorthwindIB.IB.Designer.cs file, is linked in the Windows Store project so that these entities (and any business logic you add to the entities) can execute on the client:


You can easily extend these entities by declaring a partial class for any of them and linking that file to the client too. These techniques are common to DevForce client development.


  1. In order to query data from the server, you need to specify the URL of the EntityServer.  You can do this either with an embedded app.config file, or programmatically, as show in the application constructor:

public App()
   this.Suspending += OnSuspending;

    IdeaBladeConfig.Instance.ObjectServer.RemoteBaseUrl = "http://localhost";
    IdeaBladeConfig.Instance.ObjectServer.ServerPort = 57209;
    IdeaBladeConfig.Instance.ObjectServer.ServiceName = "EntityService.svc";

2. ListPage.xaml is the master/search page. It displays all customers and provides search capability by customer name.


Looking at the code, notice the Start method, called from the OnNavigatedTo handler:

public async void Start()
        IsBusy = true;

        var customers = await DataService.Instance.GetAllCustomersAsync();
        Customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>(customers);
        IsBusy = false;

A few things to note here: data retrieval is asynchronous using the async/await keywords, and data management activities are performed by a DataService class.

The IsBusy flag is used, via data binding, to display a busy indicator:

ProgressRing Grid.Row="2" IsActive="{Binding IsBusy}"/>

Let's also look at the search button event handler:

private async void Search(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        IsBusy = true;

       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText))

        var customers = await DataService.Instance.FindCustomersAsync(SearchText);
        Customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>(customers);
        IsBusy = false;

Again, we see asynchronous data retrieval using the DataService which encapsulates the DevForce LINQ queries.

3. When a customer is selected, a detail page is displayed. DetailPage.xaml shows customer details, and allows editing with save and undo capabilities.


Navigation to the detail page uses Frame.Navigate:

private void NavigateToDetailPage()
  Frame.Navigate(typeof (DetailPage), SelectedCustomer.CustomerID);

Looking at the code for DetailPage.xaml.cs, we see the Start method is called from the OnNavigatedTo handler, which receives the ID of the customer to be displayed in the NavigationEventArgs.

public async void Start(Guid customerId)
    Customer = await DataService.Instance.GetCustomerAsync(customerId);

And here's the Save button handler:

private async void Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  await DataService.Instance.SaveAsync();

4. The DataService.cs contains a singleton data service used throughout the application. Both the ListPage and DetailPage work directly with the DataService, which encapsulates the DevForce EntityManager and performs all queries and saves.

Here's a sample method, this one to retrieve all customers:

public Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAllCustomersAsync()
    return _entityManager.Customers.OrderBy(x => x.CompanyName).ExecuteAsync();

The Task returned is awaited upon by the caller, the ListPage Start method we saw above.

Additional resources

Created by DevForce on September 19, 2012 18:09

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