Up Create, modify and delete

Check for changes

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:21

An entity's EntityState tells you if it is attached to an EntityManager, if it has pending (unsaved) changes, whether it was newly created, previously existing, or scheduled for deletion. This topic covers what these states mean, how they change, and some ways to program with EntityState.

Has it changed?

No direct property of Customer can tell you if a particular Customer instance has been changed. That's not a question about "Customer-ness"; it's an entity infrastructure question. You access a Customer object's entity internals by means of its EntityAspect property. EntityAspect opens the door to a wealth of information about your entity.

Three EntityAspect members can tell you if the entity has changed:

  • HasChanges
  • IsChanged
  • EntityState
    HasChanges() and IsChanged are synonyms. One is a method; the other is a property to which you can data bind. IsChanged delegates to HasChanges(). Use either like this
 if (aCustomer.EntityAspect.IsChanged) // do something
 If (aCustomer.EntityAspect.IsChanged) Then  ' do something

HasChanges() is defined in terms of the EntityState. It reports that the entity has changes if the entity's EntityState is any value other than Unchanged.
A thought for later: IsChanged is always true for a Detached entity whether or not it actually had changes before it was detached. In other words, don't use HasChanges() and IsChanged with detached entities.

HasChanges() and IsChanged are syntactic sugar wrapped around the property that really matter, the EntityState

Introduction to EntityState

EntityState addresses these three questions:

  • Is the entity attached to an EntityManager or is it detached?
  • Is the entity changed or not
  • If changed, is it an added entity, a modified entity, or an entity marked for deletion?

The answer is one of the IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityState enums returned by the EntityAspect.EntityState property. 

  currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState; // an EntityState enum
  currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState ' an EntityState enum

The currentState will be one of these EntityState enums :

EntityState  Summary
Detached The entity is not attached to an EntityManager. It is in this state upon creation or after being removed from an EntityManager.
Unchanged The entity is attached to the EntityManager, presumed to exist in the database, and has not changed since last queried or saved.
Added The entity has been added to the EntityManager and is presumed to be new (not in the database).
ModifiedThe entity is attached to the EntityManager, presumed to exist in the database, and has been modified since last queried or saved.
Deleted The entity was deleted using the Entity.Delete() method.

In this topic we discuss what the states mean and how to use them. A separate topic covers the operations that changea an entity's EntityState

The Detached EntityState

You usually work with an entity that is attached to an EntityManager. An attached entity is an entity that is in an EntityManager's entity cache. You can ask it for its EntityManager:

  manager = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityManager;
  manager = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityManager

The variable manager has a value if the entity is attached; is is null if the entity is not attached.

It's easier to check the EntityState than to test for a null EntityManager.

An entity is attached if its EntityState is not Detached.

 if (aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState != EntityState.Detached) // it's attached
 If (aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState <> EntityState.Detached) Then ' it's attached

There are reasons to work with a detached entity and certain operations automatically detach an entity. Another topic covers attaching and detaching entities in more detail. Here we discuss some of the implications of being attached or detached.

Certain infrastructural features only work when the entity is attached. For example, you can only get to the database via a navigation property when the entity is attached.

Consider the following statement:

  aCustomer = anOrder.Customer; // get the Order's parent Customer
  aCustomer = anOrder.Customer ' get the Order's parent Customer

The property behaves differently for attached and detached entities. 

If anOrder is attached, its aCustomer is either a real Customer entity or the special form of a Customer entity called "the null entity" (aka "the nullo") depending upon whether anOrder has a customer or not. If DevForce isn't sure, it could query the database for the parent Customer.

You can check if the Order's Customer is real or the nullo.

 if (aCustomer.EntityAspect.IsNullEntity) // ...
 If (aCustomer.EntityAspect.IsNullEntity) Then ' ...

If anOrder is detached, aCustomer is probably null. The anOrder object doesn't have an EntityManager so it can't find its parent Customer in cache and it has no way query the database. It might have a Customer, left over from its former life as an attached entity. But it probably doesn't.

That means that the example above would throw a NullReferenceException.

Don't expect automatic validation when you set a property of a Detached entity.  Automatic property validation depends upon access to the EntityAspect.VerifierEngine. The VerifierEngine is null for a Detached so the data property skips the validation step.

Make sure you know when you're working with a Detached entity.

Use combo-EntityStates to find entities in cache

EntityState is defined as a flag enum which means individual enum values can be OR'd together to represent a combination of states. 

  addedOrModified = EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified;
  addedOrModified = EntityState.Added Or EntityState.Modified

The EntityState enum includes two particularly useful combinations:

EntityState  Summary
AnyAddedModifiedOrDeleted Added or Modified or Deleted.
AllButDetached All states except detached. 

You can use these combo enums to select entities from the cache.

  // All entities in cache with pending changes
  changedEntities =  manager.FindEntities(EntityState.AnyAddedModifiedOrDeleted);

  // All Customer entities in cache
  custsInCache =  manager.FindEntities<Customer>(AllButDetached);
  ' All entities in cache with pending changes
  changedEntities =  manager.FindEntities(EntityState.AnyAddedModifiedOrDeleted)

  ' All Customer entities in cache
  custsInCache =  manager.FindEntities(Of Customer)(AllButDetached)

Simplify EntityState checking with extension methods

You frequently ask if an entity is in a particular state or one of a common set of states. The code to get the answer is not difficult but it is tedious.

   currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState;

  if (EntityState.Deleted == currentState) // ...
  if ((currentState & (EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified)) > 0) // ...
   currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState

  If (EntityState.Deleted = currentState) Then ' ...
  If ((currentState And (EntityState.Added Or EntityState.Modified)) > 0) Then ' ...

These boolean EntityState extension methods make it easier to check for specific states and combination.

Here are the same state-checking statements as above, rewritten with extension methods.

  currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState;

 if (currentState.IsDeleted()) // ...
 if ((currentState.IsAddedOrModified()) // ...
  currentState = aCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityState

 If currentState.IsDeleted() Then '...
 If (currentState.IsAddedOrModified() Then '...
Created by DevForce on January 11, 2011 08:51

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