Up Save

Save lifecycle

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:20

Workflow for a save

During the execution of a save a number of discrete steps are followed. DevForce provides several points along the way where a developer can intervene and modify the execution path. This page describes this sequence of steps and the interception points. 

Client Tier
Application Code

The client application adds, modifies and deletes any number of business objects on the client.

The client application asks a EntityManager to save all pending changes.

Client Tier

Makes a save list of all of the new, modified, and deleted entities in the EntityManager entity cache.

Fires the Saving event, passing in the list of entities to be saved. The listener can add or remove entities from this list or cancel the save.  For now, let's assume that application listener just okays the save.

If this is a partial save, meaning that only specified entities are being saved instead of all added, modified, or deleted entities, then a check is performed to insure that if any entity in the graph of entities being saved contains a temporary id, that all other entities that have a reference to this same temporary id are also included in the save. If this is not the case an Exception is thrown with an explanation of which entities are in violation of this rule.

Transmits the list of entities to be saved to the EntityServer.

Middle Tier

Server authenticates the user. Let's assume success.

The EntityServer creates a new EntityServerSaveInterceptor or an instance of a developer customized subclass.

In the EntityServerSaveInterceptor the AuthorizeSave method can be used to perform security checks; the ValidateSave method can be used to perform server-side validation.

When the EntityServerInterceptor.ExecuteSave method is called, where DevForce performs a temporary id to permanant id conversion and then forwards the saves to the Entity Framework for execution.

Data Tier
Data Source
Performs the persistence operations. If there are no failures, it commits them; if there is a single failure, it rolls them all back.
Middle Tier – EntityServer

If the transaction failed, returns to the EntityManager the identity of the culprit entity and the exception raised by the data source. The EntityManager stores this information in the SaveResult and returns to the client application. Workflow ends. Otherwise…

The transaction succeeded. The EntityServer re-queries the database(s) for all of the inserted and modified entities that are sourced in databases, thus capturing the effects of triggers that fired during save.

Converts the (potentially) revised data into entities and sends them to the client side EntityManager.

The server’s local copy of the entities go out of scope and the garbage collector reclaims them. This enables the object server to stay stateless.

Client Tier

Performs id fixup, converting temporary ids to permanent ids based on a mapping between the two generated by the EntityServer during the save and passed back to the client in the previous step.

Replaces cached entities with updates from EntityServer. They are marked “unchanged” because they are now current.

Raises the Saved event with list of saved inserted and modified entities.

Client Tier
Application Code
The application resumes.
Created by DevForce on October 04, 2010 16:14

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