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Manage the save transaction

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:21

EntityManager save methods can save a single business object, a list of objects, or all entities with pending changes.

All EntityManager saves are transactional by default. When the developer saves more than one entity at a time, DevForce processes them together as a single unit of work. Either every save succeeds, or they are all rolled back.

Behind the scenes, DevForce causes the necessary INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to be wrapped within "Begin Transaction" and "Commit Transaction" or "Rollback Transaction" statements. If all succeed the transaction is committed. If any fail, the data source is restored to its pre-transaction condition. 



The transactional nature of any save is controlled by the value of the TransactionSettings property on the SaveOptions class. Recall that every save has a SaveOptions instance applicable to it. This is either the EntityManager's DefaultSaveOptions  or a standalone SaveOptions instance specified within the SaveChanges call. 

The TransactionSettings property is of type TransactionSettings and contains the following properties, all of which can be set. 

PropertyPropertyType    Default valueDescription
IsolationLevelIsolationLevelReadCommittedDetermines the transactions locking behavior. Please consult your database documentation for more info.
TimeoutTimespanTimeSpan(0, 1, 0) - 1 minuteThe timeout period for the transaction. 
UseTransactionScopebooltrueIt is highly recommended that this be set to true (default). It is this setting that causes a transaction that crosses database boundaries to escalate to use the DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator).

Most SQL databases define different degrees of consistency enforcement called "isolation levels". Each database vendor has a different default isolation level and a proprietary syntax to change it. Setting the IsolationLevel above is dependent upon the support of both the database vendor and the .NET ADO.NET provider being used. In some cases, settings may need be made within the database itself or with proprietary information embedded in the connection string. Consult the database vendor’s documentation.

Distributed transactions

By default, DevForce also provides transactional integrity when saving entities to two or more data sources. These data sources can be of different types from different vendors. Their data source managers must support the X/Open XA specification for distributed transactions.

By setting the UseTransactionScope property mentioned above to "true" ( the default), the developer is instructing DevForce to use the .NET Enterprise Services (AKA, COM+) Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) to handle transaction management when more than one database is involved. Be sure to enable DTC in your system. (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services)

DTC performs a two phase commit. In the first "prepare" phase all parties to the transaction signal their readiness to commit their parts of the transaction. In so agreeing they must guarantee that they can complete their tasks even after a crash.

If any participant does not agree, all parties roll back the transactions they have underway.

If all participants agree, the transaction moves into the second, “commit” phase in which the parties actually commit their changes.

If the transaction is successful, the entities are re-queried.

Created by DevForce on October 04, 2010 10:42

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