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Serialize deep graphs

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:20

In some circumstances when serializing a deep graph, either between tiers or using an EntityCacheState, you may run into a stack overflow exception.  This is a relatively rare occurrence, but we've provided several options to control how a graph is serialized to work around the problem.


The SerializationContextMode is an enum with the following values:

   public enum SerializationContextMode {
    Default = 0,
   /// <summary>
   /// Standard Serialization
   /// </summary>
   Standard = 1,
   /// <summary>
   /// Custom serialization to get around DCS stackoverflow issues.  Slight slower during deserialization
   /// than Standard. This setting should only be used if stack overflow exceptions are occuring during entity graph serialization
   /// operations.
   /// </summary>
   Alternate = 2,

You set the SerializationContextMode on the IdeaBlade.EntityModel.SerializationContext class.  You  rarely see this class, but it's what DevForce uses behind the scenes when serializing and deserializing entities.  

To change the serialization behavior of your entity graph, you can set either of two static properties on the SerializationContext:  

   public static SerializationContextMode DefaultMode

   public static SerializationContextMode ThreadLocalMode;

Setting the DefaultMode affects the entire application, while setting the ThreadLocalMode affects only the currently executing thread. 

Alternate behavior

You'll set either the DefaultMode or ThreadLocalMode to Alternate to use the slimmed down, but slower, serialization of your entity graph. 

SerializationContext.ThreadLocalMode = SerializationContextMode.Alternate;

Created by DevForce on January 18, 2012 16:50

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