Up Query

Query lifecycle

Last modified on August 15, 2012 17:20

When DevForce executes a standard query, a sequence of steps is followed that involves code executing both on the client where the query was submitted as well as on the EntityServer where, in most cases, a backend datastore resides. This sequence, the query lifecycle, can be intercepted by the developer on both the client and the server, via a variety of mechanisms. 

A workflow

The table below shows the lifecycle of a query assuming a QueryStrategy of Normal.

Table 1. Entity Query and Navigation Workflow When QueryStrategy = Normal

Client Tier – Application Code1) The client application requests a particular set of entities (the “desired entities”) either by entity query or by entity navigation
Client Tier – EntityManager

2) The EntityManager raises a Querying event. Listeners can see the query and, optionally, cancel the query.

3) The EntityManager checks the QueryCache (and sometimes the EntityCache depending on the kind of query) to see if it can satisfy the query with the entities in the client-side cache. If so, it runs the query against the local cache only and jumps to step 14 below.

4) The EntityManager raises a Fetching event. Listeners can see the query and, optionally, cancel the query.

5) The EntityManager sends the query along with authentication information to the EntityServer on the middle tier. It may modify the request before sending it to the EntityServer if it can determine that some of desired entities are already in the client side cache.

Middle Tier – EntityServer

6) The EntityServer authenticates the client (the currently logged in "user") and creates a new instance of either a custom or a default EntityServerQueryInterceptor.  The EntityServerQueryInterceptor is executed and it can either modify the query and/or run any developer-specified security checks in the AuthorizeQuery handler. If security checks fail, it raises a security exception and sends this back to the client tier.

7) Having passed security checks, the EntityServerQueryInterceptor calls its base ExecuteQuery method where the EntityServer converts the, possibly modified, query into a format applicable to the datasource being queried.  This will often be an Entity Framework LINQ to Entities query.

Data source – Data Source8) The data source performs the query or queries and returns one or more result sets back to the EntityServer.
Middle Tier – EntityServer

9) The Entity Framework converts the result sets returned from the data source into ADO.NET entities and delivers them to the EntityServerQueryInterceptor ( from above) and performs any post query authorization via the AuthorizeQueryResult method.

10) The EntityServer repackages the result set into a format that can be transmitted efficiently. It then ships the entity data back to the client side EntityManager.

11) After transmission, the EntityServer allows the server’s local copy of the entities to go out of scope and the garbage collector reclaims them. This enables the EntityServer to stay stateless.

Client Tier –EntityManager

12) Compares fetched entities to entities already in the cache. Adds new entities to the cache. Replaces matching cached entities that are unmodified (in essence refreshing them). Preserves cached entities with pending modifications because the query strategy is normal.

13) Reapplies the original query to the cache to locate all desired entities.

14) Raises the Queried event. Listeners can examine the list of entities actually retrieved from the data source.

15) Returns the desired entities to the application.

Client Tier – Application Code16) The entities are available for processing.
Tags: Query
Created by DevForce on February 16, 2011 00:58

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