Up DevForce 2010 Resource Center
DevForce 2010 Resource Center

DevForce 2010 Resource Center

Last modified on April 17, 2017 16:26

We continue to support DevForce 2010 so you can support your existing applications, but our current development efforts are now focused on DevForce 2012.

Please see the DevForce 2012 Resource Center for information on upgrading to DevForce 2012.

Did you know?

DevForce 2012 supports: Windows Store and Phone applications, Visual Studio 2012 and above, .Net 4.5, Entity Framework 5 and above, Silverlight 5, NuGet, and the Async/Await api.

Most recent

  • DevForce Classic 3.8.9 adds support for Visual Studio 2017.
  • DevForce Classic 3.8.8 includes support for Developer Express 16.2
  • DevForce Classic 3.8.6 now supports Visual Studio 2015.
  • DevForce 6.1.15 adds support for Visual Studio 2013.
  • Securing an OData service can take many forms. Our latest code sample shows how to secure it using basic authentication and authorization headers.
  • Cocktail 1.1.5 includes support for DevForce 6.1.15 and Caliburn.Micro 1.5.2.
  • The Cocktail DialogManager provides a convenient way to handle user prompts and dialog boxes.
  • The same Entity Data Model can work with databases from different vendors. For example, one customer of your application might use SQL Server, while another customer might want Oracle.
  • Learn how to bind a DevForce entity model to Telerik UI controls.
  • Guest author, Les Pinter, builds a WPF application in his MVVM tutorial: MVVM made simple. It's one of the most approachable MVVM tutorial's we've seen.
  • Precompiled views can dramatically cut start up time. We show you how to reduce these delays in our latest video.
  • We've added three new videos: Walkthroughs of the Cocktail TempHire and Screen Harness reference apps as well as Ward Bell's recent Real World Code First AOP webinar covering the use of PostSharp in DevForce.
  • Access the EntityAspect from DevForce AOP entities. Hint: Don't add an EntityAspect property. Use EntityFacts.
  • There are some good reasons to create custom entity base classes. We'll suggest why and how you might do it.
  • In response to customer requests, we’ve built a DevForce LINQPad driver that lets you use LINQPad with DevForce models. There's no need to struggle with the EF or Universal drivers or add namespaces and assemblies.
  • DevForce sends compressed binary messages between the EntityManager and the EntityServer. You can use our Fiddler extension to inspect these messages and debug your n-tier and Silverlight applications.
  • Our WinForms Walkthrough shows how to bind a DevForce entity model using WinForms databinding.
  • What if your application must work with an existing database, perhaps with 300 tables or more? You can jump-start your code base by generating the initial classes from the database schema and then continue Code First from there. We call this approach Code Second.
Created by DevForce on June 17, 2010 18:09

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